This movie is a joke, right?

I mean, the end of 22 Jump Street shows a bunch of parody trailers, this is one of those movies, right?

These two franchises are very different from each other... I mean, I could see an MIB reboot, I could even get behind Jonah Hill being a part of it... But I couldn't see the first two 21 Jump Street movies, and essentially, the TV show, being in the same universe as Men in Black... That means at any point in the movie/show, a character could just be an Alien in disguise.


Clearly the Jump Street crossover thing is no more (whew!).

With that out of the way... I’m so down with MIB International! Good, average, mediocre... I know the re-teaming of Hemsworth and Thompson (damn they look good) has always made me look forward to this one.

Now that the trailer has dropped, I have to say I really dig what I’m seeing. It’s got the vibe of the older movies but it suitably feels different all the same. And personally, while I do like the first movie, I never thought it was anything truly great. International? It could be excellent.

Just giving a positive reaction to the trailer before the negative ones expectedly fill this place up. (“Female taking over? Ick! That Hollywood agenda triggers me! Social J blah blah”... Just a few of the whining and trite complaints you’ll see as always.) Sure this could be a misfire, but if the final movie does get positive reviews and a good word of mouth, unsurprisingly you’d still see tons of complainers (whether they have their own agenda or not). Hating is the thing to do online. Sad.


It's not that the "Hollywood agenda triggers me." I'd have zero problems with it if the woman could step into Will Smith's shoes, be as funny and as charismatic as he was when he was at the top of his game. I dunno. Maybe they didn't want to show her being as good as Smith. Yeah, right. 🙄


First and foremost, yes, different people will have different reasons for being opposed to this movie (yes, reasonable ones). Never said otherwise. But there is a very vocal crowd out there that simply won’t approve of a female “taking over” Will Smith’s role because she is, well, female. (I can only imagine the outrage if Smith’s role was originally played by a white guy.) Some might express apparent genuine worry over this casting and will justify their concern, while others will endlessly rant about how this is the typical SJW agenda at work and all that nonsense.

I wouldn’t be saying this if it weren’t true, which is why I mentioned this common complaint. On that note, these complaints are reminding me of the criticism Brie Larson (and others) has been getting for how “uncharismatic and unhappy” she looks in an upcoming movie of hers. Strange, but the ones who usually make these complaints hardly criticize the guys for that. Hmm...

That brings me to my next point. Why does it matter if she isn’t like Smith? Who even says she’s supposed to be? Her character looks like she’s meant to be a completely different character in every way. I don’t see any reason why she should try to outdo or match Smith at his game. Smith, after all, is/was one of the most charismatic actors ever according to many. Even a younger MALE actor would have a difficult job trying to fill his shoes. And that’s the truth... even if they had gotten a super charismatic young actor to “take over” Smith’s role, then I KNOW any actor cast in this new movie would get unfairly compared to Smith DESPITE the roles being written to be different. As such, from my understanding this movie is ultimately going to do its own thing. But sure, the problem is this particular actress. 🙄

And lastly, whether or not Tessa Thompson’s character was written to be full of charisma, fact is we don’t know much about her character. People these days analyze a trailer like they know the whole movie. Although, judging by the trailer to me it seems clear Thompson’s job isn’t to give a certain someone a run for his money. She appears like she is SUPPOSED to be the straight “man” in this movie in contrast to Hemsworth’s more comedic relief character... I get more Tommy Lee Jones vibes from her compared to Hemsworth’s character... so I really don’t see what the big issue is here. Faux outrage perhaps. Oh, and last I checked Chris Hemsworth & Tessa Thompson are known for having amazing chemistry on screen. So, yeah, I can’t wait to see the two of them light up the screen again.


Well, I didn't say she had to be "just like Smith." If she's supposed to be the swizzle in the drink, she's going to have to up her game to a Smith kind of level. He was/is an amazing talent, and trying to bring that kind of spark to a movie is going to be difficult.

It's true we don't know much about her character, because in the trailer she comes off as sort of flat and uninteresting. Which is my point. I haven't seen this Hemmsworth guy in anything else -- I don't usually go for the comic book action movies unless they're genuinely funny, and the last one I even heard of in that category was RED. RED2 stank, so I'm kinda off the comic book action movies. It was a guilty pleasure, anyway. It's hard to justify feeling strongly about anything that started as a comic book. I come from the generation where comic books were loved and cared about by people who looked like Beaver Cleaver.

Why you would think that my "outrage" is "faux" is beyond me. (BTW, I don't get outraged that any movie -- comic-based or otherwise -- doesn't promise to be entertaining enough; the most I get is disappointed.) Unless I see a trailer as good as this I'm not showing up.

And if you want to continue arguing about a comic book action movie, go ahead. The most this deserves from me is a thumbs up or down, and unless I see something better, it's a thumbs down from me.


This movie... might work.

The idea is perfectly workable, J and K were never the only agents at MIB. It's just really unlikely that this 4th movie will be as good as the 1st, because everyone knows that the 2nd and 3rd weren't. Still, I'm very forgiving, when they give me Chris Hemseorth to look at.
