Wow this was awful

A friend recommended this and said it was the funniest thing he'd seen in years but . . . Is this supposed to be a comedy? I suppose if your idea of comedy is some creepy old man whining all the time then it must hilarious.
And let's not even get started on the fact that in the film he had been dating Amy Ryan who is clearly about 30-40 years younger than him, I mean he's just not a likeable character at all and yet I'm guessing we're supposed to like him(?)

I've never seen Seinfeld or CYE so maybe that's the problem - were all the jokes in this film ones that you only understand if you've seen them?

oh and . .
Michael Keaton reprising his Beetle Juice character in this was very wierd too. What was that all about?


Well, there is no accounting for having no taste. Larry David is a genius. Hundreds of re-runs of Seinfeld and the brilliance of Curb should tell you something - the something you're missing. If you don't understand neuroses, don't watch; if you don't understand what your missing there's no explaining it.


Someone like Larry's character in CYE or this movie isn't going to be someone you are going to like. People don't respond positively to such whiners-about-trivialities-when-there-are-REAL-problems-in-the-world -type.

Even Larry's voice sounds like someone with some kind of throat illness trying to produce a real voice, but is unable to. It's like a weak guy trying to yell but due to sore throat, that's the best he can do.

Larry's looks, behaviour, clothes, walking style, voice, and constant bickering and swearing is all very unlikable. That's probably why some people consider it to be funny, but CYE is even at best just a very very pale shadow of Seinfeld, with many things blatantly stolen from Seinfeld. I am too tired to produce a list of all that thigns CYE stole from Seinfeld, but they are numerous, and those are the funniest bits in CYE anyway.

There's one original AND funny CYE thing I can remember right now; the black woman defending Larry against Susan's foul-mouthed attack.

This proves that women COULD protect men, if they wanted to. Somehow this almost never happens, though, men have to fend for themselves both physically and socially, and are yet expected to protect women.

Wouldn't it be a more fun and equal world, if women always protected men socially, while men protectd women physically?

I dont think Larry is a genius - Jerry Seinfeld and Michael Richards were mostly the genius behind 'Seinfeld', as much as they are problematic people (the other is a douche, the other is a racist)



It was on HBO last night. I started watching it, but 10:00 is my bedtime and I fell asleep -- but not due to the film, ha ha.

My husband watched about half said it was "pretty good" but not something you must watch. I'll probably watch it sometime since I'm a big CYE fan, though I like the supporting characters better than Larry.


If you're a Curb fan, then you'll really like this. It was very Curb-like.

Bongoman47 stalked me IRL:


Well, I found it awful-ly funny. It feels at first like a bad movie, but there are so many moments of sheer imaginative lunacy here that it's impossible to ignore. This type of treatment works much better in the "Seinfeld" or "Curb Your Enthusiasm" format, but for Larry David fans, this is indispensable. 8/10 stars from me.


Horrible movie, i kept waiting and waiting for the 'comedy'. what a waste of a good cast.
