MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Spoilers - Prometheus Reveal

Spoilers - Prometheus Reveal

Was anyone else bothered by the DA being Prometheus? I really though we'd see Tommy Merlyn make a comeback. Here are my questions -

1. How does Chase know about the list?
2. Why did he kill (shoot down?) Vigilante?
2. Why was there no Vigilante reveal when he was clearly subdued multiple times in the episode?
4. What was the point of Chase taking the Vigilante evidence?


Yes, i thought it was predictable since they showed a mean side of him when he was questioning a witness and told Oliver he knew him from his years before the island in early episodes.

I kind of actually wonder if he was originally intended to be Prometheus or if it was someone else until they got renewed for a 6th season which wasn't the initial plan.


1- This question I think will be answered in the upcoming episodes
2- Vigilante is not dead, not sure you were paying attention in the episode
3- Vigilante's identity is still a mystery and he is still alive , he did escape during the fight with team Arrow
4- The point I guess was to get to Vigilante first because he needed to stop Vigilante from killing Green Arrow , as he said "GA is mine"


I was paying attention to the episode, but I just found it weird that Chase pushed him off the roof and just didn't finish him. And later in the episode, the team blows him through a wall and just dips. It just felt lazy to me.


He pushed him off but Vigilante escaped , then Chase called in saying he spotted a Vigilante hoping they would arrest him so he could go after Oliver Queen himself.
I think Vigilante's suit is bulletproof but I agree there was some suspension of disbelief in his scenes.


It was so blatantly predictable.. god this show never learns from it's mistakes!


Yeah, the minute that DA guy started showing every episode, I thought he'll probably be either Prometheus or Vigilante.
Otherwise it would have been too much screentime on some noname dude.
