MovieChat Forums > Natasha

Natasha (10)


Iris had to die... This last season rocks... And we are back! Suckersssss View all posts >


Writers didn't have the guts to kill any of the major Leda clones, and to be honest, i don't blame them. Tatiana did such an amazing job that i was reluctant to even see Rachel go... Tell me how it goes. Just two cents tho, i considered stopping the show at episode 3. I thought the main plot would be about cops and such blatant mystery. I am so glad i didn't stop watching it, because it gets real interesting and mind blowing once you get into her acting. I have watched the first 3 seasons multiple times now. I used to stop in the middle of an episode and repeat scenes over and over, or was just putting my hands up in awe of her brilliance. She is insanely good, and the storytelling is pretty decent and compelling. Yes, yes it is. The show has it's flaws, but the main reason this is so good is Tatiana Malsany, and you SHOULD watch it. You gotta see her impeccable acting. :) We were wrong tho. :D LMAO, i would have never seen the blatant typo i did there. Thank you.. :D Karen all the way!!! It was so blatantly predictable.. god this show never learns from it's mistakes! View all replies >