dylan better not die

now that he has a baby to take care of


Yeah I am really excited to see where this is all going now. I would hope they at least have the balls to do something like that so long as it's warranted.


I know right? I hope he or Alex don't die too....Sadly I'm sure at least one of them will have to go, it would certainly be more tragic for Dylan to go since he has his baby.


I'd hate to see Emma or Dylan die but imagine how emotional/crazy a scene where Norman murders Emma or Dylan would be. I could see them taking it in a direction where Norman kills Emma and Dylan goes after him maybe along with Romero? Maybe they'd even have the balls to kill all 3 of them and allow Norman to live. I'm so excited because I honestly have no clue which route they'll take.


I have a feeling he nor Emma will die, but definitely Caleb.


Yeah . . . after everything he's been through and how Norma and Norman treated him, I definitely want him to make it out alive!


If it means Dylan will do something this season....
He's been in the "back seat" of this show since Season 3.


I wouldnt mind if Emma or Dylan die. I can accept it. Norman needs to become more secluded and not have 20 people in his social circle


Norman isn't going to end up in prison.

So the only thing that makes sense is for him to remove all the people who know about his dark side.

Alex, Emma and Dylan... all gonna die.
