MovieChat Forums > Getaway (2013) Discussion > Enough with the hate on Selena...

Enough with the hate on Selena...

I don’t get why people are hating on Selena Gomez, I mean I think she has really come a long way in terms of transitioning from a Disney star. I can’t really think of any other Disney girl who has made a real career for themselves in the acting world after their Disney show was canceled, and hasn't turned bad.

Sure she’s not the best in terms of acting but this is her first action movie and I think she’ll learn a lot, and I hope she does well. At least she’s not all cocky about it like some other celebrities around her age.



chance? better attend drama school first.


it's b/c she is yet another pretty face teen/young adult star that can't act but is given roles just b/c of her celebrity status which is happening far too often so people are getting more and more annoyed by it


it's b/c she is yet another pretty face teen/young adult star that can't act but is given roles just b/c of her celebrity status which is happening far too often so people are getting more and more annoyed by it

At last! The first person who actually GETS it! I was beginning to lose faith in humanity until i arrived at your comment.



People hating because she never could act to begin with. She only got her Disney career through connections and her looks. Her acting is beyond terrible. In terms of acting ability alone, she might rank last in the entire world (srs)!

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


. She only got her Disney career through connections and her looks.

She had no connections, though....and her looks? Everyone on TV and movies is good-looking.


That is crap and you know it. People over the age of 25 barely know she was on the Disney Channel. People hated her in the movie because she was terrible. People hated Ethan Hawk in the movie because he was also terrible. Nobody was holding Thora Birch up to some unrealistic standard even though she was in bunch of movie's as a kid. Hell Scarlett Johassen was in a bunch of films. They are just FAR better actors.


People over the age of 25 barely know she was on the Disney Channel

That is not true. Selena is the poster child for Disney. She is this generations Annette Funicello. when people think of Disney they think of Mickey mouse and Selena. She didn't just do one TV show she did several TV shows and movies. Her music is even produced by Disney. She also did the thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter parades for Disney. and lets not forget about the millions of merchandise with her picture on it. She is was and always will be a Disney star.


That is not true. Selena is the poster child for Disney. She is this generations Annette Funicello. when people think of Disney they think of Mickey mouse and Selena.

That's generalising. Not everyone thinks of Selena Gomez when they think of Disney. It's such a big corporation, why oh why would they think of Selena Gomez of all the people/characters/movies/places/shows that you could possibly think of.

Back when it was Demi/Selena/Miley, it was Miley that could be classed as the poster child for Disney because of Hannah Montana, which was far more successful than Wizards of Waverly Place. The sad truth is that there are a lot of people that didn't know about Gomez until she started dating Bieber. To some, she's just "Justin Bieber's girlfriend."

It's time for people to stop making Selena Gomez sound like a big shot. She still has a long way to go. I haven't seen her act, so I don't know what she has to give but I wish her the best of luck.

I'm hoping to find a trendy yet thought-provoking quote. Until then, this will be my signature.


why oh why would they think of Selena Gomez of all the people/characters/movies/places/shows that you could possibly think of.

Because she has done more with disney than any other actor or actress in history


Because she has done more with disney than any other actor or actress in history

Coming from someone who used to be a fan of Selena, that is very interesting to hear. I don't mean to come across as rude but is that a well-known fact or is it just your opinion?

I'm hoping to find a trendy yet thought-provoking quote. Until then, this will be my signature.


just what exactly is Disney's market and who they cater? Kids, younglings that don't really care if Selena can't act or not. they like a cute face whether you like it or not. the little sister persona. Disney doesn't care if you suck at acting as long as you make the kids happy. is being a Disney star a career suicide for future actors/actresses? not really. Selena just didn't evolve into an actress. she remained a face without any good acting skill. even her singing skills are mediocre and are auto-tune pop. so how can you expect that you perfect the art or your skill if you let the machine to the work for you or your involvement with an overrated brat is making your career. people don't like others that don't do the hardwork. sometimes, even good actors who did the work are being hated for being ridiculous. so Selena is just being treated fairly with harsh criticisms as much as Miley is getting crucified for being stupid.


I had no idea she was in some Disney show. I thought she was just some singer. After walking out of this movie after 40 minutes though I do know she can't act.

A pretty face will get you far in life.

And no I don't hate her.


Great post but I don't know how any of that was relevant to what was said in my post. Are you actually replying to my post or what?

I'm hoping to find a trendy yet thought-provoking quote. Until then, this will be my signature.


Because when people think "Disney", they think "Selena Gomez".


This is the funniest post I've ever seen! How many adults that don't have kids do you think really follow Disney and their terrible child actors? Seriously? You really think that she is what people over 25 think of when they think of Disney? You can't be this dense. You must be a kid, otherwise you're just an idiot. Selena can't act. Simple as that. She was terrible in this film. The film itself was pretty bad but that doesn't change the fact that she can't act. Disney is targeted towards kids. There's nothing wrong with that. Selena is a popular figure in Disney to the younger audiences. She made a career for herself as well as a lot of money. That's great. I'm sure everyone here wishes they could be as successful as her. But that doesn't make her a good actress and it doesn't mean that people over 25 know who she is other than Beiber's girlfriend. Get over yourself.


People over the age of 25 barely know she was on the Disney Channel

That is not true. Selena is the poster child for Disney. She is this generations Annette Funicello. when people think of Disney they think of Mickey mouse and Selena. She didn't just do one TV show she did several TV shows and movies. Her music is even produced by Disney. She also did the thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter parades for Disney. and lets not forget about the millions of merchandise with her picture on it. She is was and always will be a Disney star.

I am one of those aged over 25 who didn't know she had anything to do with Disney at all, nor have I heard about Annette Funicello ever.
So he might be right or maybe it's just me :)


ARE YOU STUPID! People who are 25 and older probably have kids and nieces/nephews that watched her show on Disney. I know many shows on Disney because my nephews watches them. Get real kid, you're delusional.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


I think the truth is that Selena is neither the worst actress around nor especially good at this point of her career. Haven't seen this particular film yet, but her first two features, Monte Carlo and Spring Breakers, at least showed some potential. Neither were demanding roles, though it's pretty clear that she got those opportunities mostly because of her continued popularity with the Disney crowd, her emerging pop music career, and even her high profile relationship with Justin Bieber. Coming out of the Disney "system" doesn't guarantee success, but it gives one opportunities and a short window of time after you leave to take advantage of all that publicity/air time that Disney provided you. Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are both still working now to make the most of their HSM successes, and seem to be gaining some credibility lately, especially Zac. Ashley Tisdale hung onto her Disney affiliations as long as she could,all the while continuing to play teenagers well into her twenties, but seems she is now struggling to build some kind of success beyond Disney. As Hannah Montana, Miley was one of the most successful young Disney stars ever, but has also found herself struggling recently, and has even exhibited some pretty extreme behavior herself as of late, all while trying to maintain some kind of relevance. Many of these young Disney/Nickelodeon stars(Selena/Miley/Demi/Miranda/Victoria/Ariana,etc.) as well as those in that next group right behind them (like Zendaya & Bella, etc)have benefited from having the Disney/Nickelodeon "machine" behind them, but once they leave that behind, they can find a pretty harsh reality out there waiting for them, as they are now competing with hundreds of other pretty young girls/women, just like them. Selena seems nicer than most, and well liked within the industry and by fans alike. Even though her musical talent is just so-so, she still has a better than even chance for sustaining a career at this point. I wish her well.


Tbh i think she cant act... ive never seen her in disney anything... this was the 1st film ive seen her in also... i though it was some random cute lil latina chick till someone told me thats her. Fact was she was a *beep* actress, but again as other guys... id still ;)


I've never seen her in any Disney movie, or show, or anything else because I'm 31 and I don't watch Disney but she completely ruined what was an otherwise C grade movie.


I agree. Although I have heard her name before I didn't know anything about her. I didn't know anything about a Disney career. I didn't know she could sing although I would say if she sings like she acts she's not very good at that either. She sounded like she was just reading words off a script. I thought they put an unknown in the role and that's why she was so bad. I am highly disappointed that they knowingly put someone who couldn't act into this role. She took what I thought was a solid 6-7 movie down to a 4. I just watched it for the second time the only way I find this movie watchable. Turn the volume waaay down while she's talking while doing something else to occupy your time and turn the volume back up and watch the car chase scenes.
And no, I don't hate her nor have I read anything else on this board where anyone else has. Disliking her inability to act is not hatred.


People are always jealous of other's success


"People are always jealous of other's success"

That's a nice little pre-emptive nonsense-argument you've got there. The way you preclude having to take any opinion you don't agree with seriously.

If someone has a legitimate reason to not want to see her, it's not legitimate at all, but because "people are always jealous of other's success".
Yet they don't have a problem with the success of people that can actually ACT. Funny, isn't it?

Second, if people are always jealous of other's success, then i presume you make exceptions for those who like Selena just like yourself? So why are they exceptions? Because they like Selena?

Next time try to make a coherent argument. Your logic is that of a 5-year-old.


^Agree in everything with Tridentmovies.

btw...are you people on drugs or something? Hate? really? Hate? are you that stupid?
That girl just can't act, is that simple, there is no hate here, or something personal, or jealous, or whatever you tiny brain want to be... she just can't act, its a fact, get over it.

This reminds me the level of stupidity of another thread here that someone wanted R.Gosling to be awarded an oscar cause...( *brace your selfs* ) he had "amazing tattoos" in The Place Beyond the Pines... epic facepalm...


Trident I am sorry you do not understand a simple statement. Let me explain it better for you so you can have better comprehension. Many come on to message boards and spew hate for celebrities. Why? Mainly jealousy. This has nothing to do on how much "talent" the may or may not have. You state Gomez cannot act. From the three films I have seen her in (Spring Breakers, Aftershock (cameo really), and this film) I can't argue that point. I can guarantee you can go on Wes Anderson, Brad Pitt, George Clooney's boards and see just as much hate as Gomez's board. Why ? People seem jealous others success. If someone is constantly portrayed in the media or seem to be in every film, there will be jealous people that hate. Did this movie suck? Yeah it did. Was defending Gomez, no just stating on how most people think especially on these IMDB boards. Hopefully you now understand my post. If not, I feel sorry for you.
