MovieChat Forums > Into the Storm (2014) Discussion > Why does Twister look better?

Why does Twister look better?

I haven't seen it but I have seen the trailer and I cannot believe that a movie made in 2014 looks way worse than a movie made in 1996. The tornadoes in this film looks so fake. A problem with movies today is that they rely too much on CGI because it's cheaper. If you look at Twister, the tornadoes look much, much better. Hell, the Wizard of Oz (1939) tornado looks better than the tornadoes in this movie. The sad part is that there is a generation of kids going to see this movie who have never seen Twister.


Sharknado 2 is BY FAR BETTER THAN THIS ONE. Even the CGI is better and HAS a plot.


Meh. "Twister" was okay, but I thought "Tornado!" ( ) had much more depth to it.

Fairly minimal cgi/fx, just more *story*.


Yeah, that cow in Twister was some amazing special effects.

The sad part is that there is a generation of adults who saw Twister who have never seen this movie, and try to compare the two.


Saw twister like 45 times, no kidding.

CGI wise, this movie is better, nobody in their right mind will question that. Script wise, character development, chemistry on screen, directing, enthusiasm, Twister is unmatchable and this movie is not even in the same league.

I appreciate each thing as it is, twister had lovable characters and was a movie with heart and soul, this movie has excellent CGI but doesn't have any soul.

THe last scene, wathing the loonies survive was TOTALLY UNNCESARY and put a nail in the coffin, not only is not possible, it's also really bad taste and I mean, REALLY BAD. We get to see how people is changed because of this incident and then we're suppose to like that this two complete idiots survive like it was a walk in the park?. I hated the movie with all my guts just because of that ending.

Alex Vojacek


I agree with your last paragraph. The last scene where those two idiots survive ruined it for me too. It pissed me off so much!😠

Other than that I kind of enjoyed the movie as a whole, which is surprising considering how many bad reviews it has received.


Jan de Bont (the director of twister) had a LOT of Cinematographer experience. Far more then his experience as a director (this was his second go at direction).

I would expect his movie to look great, especially as I imagine he would have had a great deal of control/resources after his direction of Speed (his 1st movie)




I thought Into the Storm was a TV movie...nevertheless it was not a big budget production, more of a B movie.


You comment on a movie that you have not seen, i am not bashing twister because it was an amazing movie, but this one is far better the special effects are crazy and the storm itself does so much damage.

Why people comment on a movie they have not seen is beyond me.


Twister is way better in every possible way.

I see Stupid People...


Twister is *beep* boring garbage this is 10 times bettter
