MovieChat Forums > Beavis and Butt-Head (2022) Discussion > The Format of the Show really kills it f...

The Format of the Show really kills it for me.

Its like the original show. You have some funny skits and then the show forces you to sit through some stupid music video with a subpar MST3K commentary. I was hoping that the new show would skip this part. But now they add random Youtube videos. Its fucking lame. There not even MTV Channel for god sake. I guess im sticking to the King of the Hill.


There are a few music videos, but they don't even mock them like in the original series. For example one episode had a Camila Cabello music video and Butthead said "this is pretty cool." Why the hell would he think it's cool when the two of them are only supposed to enjoy metal


And beavis being into that korean boyband. I feel like you can give Beavis one silly thing to enjoy but not so many.

Also they often go on a non video related tangent, like the one about Beavis' mom being a slut. It lasted like 90% of the segment.

I'm not opposed to the youtube videos, there's plenty of weird shit out there but it seems like the duo has nothing interesting or amusing to say about them.


You must not have seen it in the 90s.


It sucked back then.
