The villains were the weakest aspect

... specifically the human-looking ones with the white eyes, led by Samuel L Jackson.

Not only was their backstory confusing (random human scientists who somehow discover the magical bird people and want to ... harness their abilities?) but also their abilities (they start as Wights then turn into humans with random Peculiar powers... but still need to eat eyeballs?).

Also, Samuel L Jackson's acting was terrible .... way too over-the-top compared to the rest of the cast.


I enjoyed the movie as a whole....a lot more than I thought....

I dont have many complaints....

I dont think the Villains were great by any standards but the didnt bother me enough to complain....

I thought this was Burton's best movie in years....but thats not saying much


Jackson is always over the top. He can only play one character, and he plays it in every film he’s in. It’s time for him to retire.
