Republican = Villian

Typical woke shit from (((Coen)))




There's a reason a lot of people are walking away from this garbage and not watching it on tv, streaming, or in theaters. Nobody likes to be lectured to politically, particularly of the message is calling you a villain simply for your skintone and political affiliation. Even worse, people get sick and tired of all the fake propaganda in everyday tv and social media. We go watch tv shows or movies to escape that shit, and yet when we turn it on, there it is! One thing that attracts people to certain genres of tv is because it doesn't reflect the world we live in (particularly not LA at this time), and for the idiots in Hollyweird to want to reflect that shows just how tone-deaf and hateful they are towards what their customers want.

And frankly, nobody outside of the tiny gay community wants to watch gay romances. Sorry, but it's the truth. Don't believe me? Just ask all the people who refused to watch "Bros."


Exactly. I only went to see this because it was short and I had a free ticket I needed to use before the end of the month. Seemed like it stayed away from any politics for the first half, but then it makes sure to tell you the bad guys are evil just because they're Christian Republicans.


The gay community is kinda mixed about Christians, which still baffles me. A lot of them hate Christians because that religion dictated cultural norms and morals for 200 years in America up until the 20th century. That included a society that did not accept gay people or allow them to be part of mainstream society because it was (and still is) seen as a sin and unnatural. Nobody even talked about it until the 1970s when the group started causing trouble.

What I find laughable is how some of them founded their own "Christian" churches that allow gay followers to stay gay, practice the gay lifestyle freely, officiate gay weddings, and even use the Queen James Bible that edited out all the anti-gay verses. They had a name for such churches back in ancient times: Gnostic, which is not a very nice term either. You can't be gay and a Christian; sorry. You either worship God, or you worship your lust for the same sex, you can't do both.


"You either worship God, or you worship your lust for the same sex, you can't do both."

I guess that would have to apply to "worship [of] lust for" the opposite sex too. Where in the bible does it promote or condone "worshipping your lust" for the opposite sex?


It's not like Republicans help themselves, nazi.
