What a slog!

There’s a lot to like here, like the stylish look and the music (lots of Snyder-y moments from a studio distancing itself from Snyder.)

Things I didn’t like:
-RP is… homely. I get why people used to think he was handsome. Now, not so much. He looks like he smells, like he doesn’t take care of himself. That’s fine if on purpose but a wrong choice for billionaire Bruce Wayne.
-If they wanted to make his parents hypocrites they needed something more than he tried to cover up his wife’s mental illness.
-There were way too many lingering shots. Cut them out or trim them all and you’d probably be left with a good 2 hour movie. Well, that is, if you cut out some of the stupid parts too.
-Speaking of stupid. The mayor elect—black girl magic, naturally, even though she looked way too young to run for mayor in a huge metropolis—is named Real. Yeah, there’s an accent on one of the letters but seriously? The old white fit is corrupt, the young black girl is perfect. Nothing is that black and white.
-Also, in the same vein, Catwoman—who is half white—moans about evil white people. Mm hmm. It’s not corrupt rich people and their government stooges of all races and creeds, it’s The Whites. Why do people still lap up this race bullshit? It’s just a distraction. Sadly it will still work in 50 years, I bet, and the rich will be even better off.
-And besides Batman and Alfred the only good people were black. And Martinez, I guess. Talk about doing someone’s bidding. And pandering. (And not to black people, but to the New Mob.)
-RP didn’t make a good Bruce and his Batman was a Bale impression. What a joke.
-The batmobile looked like shit. I get that the movie was trying to be more realistic but then why does he even have a bullet proof car at all. There’s no Morgan “Q” Freeman here to genius up some inventions for Batman. Who’s making all that gear? Why be realistic about the costumes and cars but not the logic?

Hopefully someone has a nice fanedit that cuts out the bullshit or at least trims this flick down to a sensible run time. I went in expecting John Wick Batman. I got brief snippets of that bloated with Emo Batman bullshit.




I pretty much agree with everything except your comments on Robert Pattinson. I never saw the appeal in him. He's not attractive, and he's not a good actor outside of a decent performance in The Lighthouse. While he looked alright in the suit, he looked too emo as Bruce Wayne.

However, I do agree with you when you said he looks like he smells bad. He's probably a nice guy and all, but for looks and acting, he's definitely lacking.


Anyone who says Robert Pattinson can not act I always laugh at. They just do not watch many movies. His performance in Good Time was absolutely outstanding and how I knew he would be a great Batman. As it stands his performance as Batman ranks as one of the best portrayals. His talents are why he has captured the attention of Christopher Nolan by being cast in Tenet, the Safdie brothers for the movie Good Time, Robert Eggers for the Lighthouse and Bong Joon-ho for his upcoming film Mickey 17. Those type of directors cast you based on talent.


Yes, Pattinson is certainly a talented actor.
