It looks nostalgic

The sets, costumes, and music look great for the film. Problem is, most movies look like the original (hopes to bank on nostalgia), but they are not good movies. Will this movie fall short because the original is held in high regard and any new movie couldn't live up to expectation? Will it be a great continuation? Will it be a poorly written movie dressed up to get nostalgia bucks from chidults?


Since one of the writers of 2049 is the same person that wrote the original Blade Runner (the other writer has his worthy credits as well), and also seeing how the film is being directed by one of the most acclaimed directors out there today, then I at least expect an honest follow up.

Yes, not unlikely it won't hold a candle to the original, but I would be kinda stunned if this turned out to be a lackluster film that many (not including those who are vehemently against Blade Runner being revisited) would see as nothing more than a cash grab. For all I know, it very well may suck... or it could be an amazing film. But I bet that no matter how good (unless we have a Godfather 2 situation) or bad it can be, the fact it will try to live up to its beloved and iconic predecessor more than 30 years later will always be against it. But who knows.

On a side note, it's rather surprising to see it get called "nostalgic" when others are writing it off as either a modern CGI-fest or just completely dishonest to the original.


I remember the same thinking was said about "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." The original production team was there so my friends assumed it was going to be amazing. It wasn't amazing so much as it seemed like a cash grab. I hope it does well. This year's has been pretty lame for movies.


How does it look nostalgic?? It looks the same as any digital effects orgy shit film of today.


"How does it look nostalgic??"
The trailer uses similar musical tones to get the audience interested. The costumes are made to make completely different characters look similar to characters in the original (Officer K's Jacket). The film makes sure to focus on the fact that Officer K's gun is the same as Deckard's. That's how it looks nostalgic. It's cashing in on familiarity.

"It looks the same as any digital effects orgy shit film of today."

Sorry, but digital films are going to stay. Practical effects were great, but they couldn't do what digital does. Some movies use digital in a smart way. Just look at the way digital was used in Mad Max Fury Road.


Mad Max Fury Road is shit, and by all means let digital stay, it will never be able to do, effects wise or otherwise, what film was able to do.

I've seen Blade Runner many times and there is NOTHING comparable in this trailer to Blade Runner, there's nothing really that brings you back to Blade Runner.


That's your opinion... which means nothing in the end. Go ahead and enjoy calling things "shit" on the internet. Bye.


It does mean something because I can back it up unlike you, ignorant fan boy.


I have seen some new "short films" from the movie (or they may be scenes cut from the theatrical relesae) and I have to agree with you that there doesn't seem to be any innovation in either the culture where this story is set or in the director's choice of set design. For my money I would have shown a world with a depleted populace as the human race is slowly dying off due to the massive pollution (or is it nuclear fallout) referenced to in the first movie.

I'm going to see this film nonetheless as I have avoided the movie theaters like crazy these past two years.
