Hannah's ass

I don't think it was all that. Furthermore, it was completely covered up for most of the series. Her friend's ass was hotter because it looked more like mine and mine was voted best ass in high school. You want an ass to be youthful, pert and delightful. Hannah's ass wasn't exceptionally taut and looked like the ass of a woman 10 years older. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars, which isn't horrible but not great or memorable, either.


Well he admitted he made the list that way to try and piss off Jessica, so he probably thought that Jessica had the best ass.


You are probably right.


Sup dude?


I'm a girl. Learn to read.


I think the point of the show is that you're not supposed to reduce her to her ass but consider her as a human being first. Nothing wrong with having a nice ass of course, but it shouldn't be used to define you... especially high school kids.


I agree with all of that. My point is that she didn't have a particularly great ass. It was just an OK ass.


I kind of have a binary approach to women's attractiveness... either they are or they are not. Have I seen better, yes... but my reaction to her in general is positive. Her ass seemed fine to me.


She was ok. Ass was fair and her mouth was open a lot of the time, kinda like the mouth of a fish. Those weren't good reasons to kill herself, though.
