Thoughts on the ending?

What did you guys think of the ending? Did you expect it to be so graphic? Were you surprised they showed the actual suicide?


We'll let ya know when we finish it.


i wish there was more resolution to what happen to certain people in the end, specially the rapist or what stalker dude was hoarding bombs and guns. I don't see how a show like this could have a season 2 so i guess we will never know.


The show focuses a lot on family, friends, school admins "recognizing the signs", but these characters are mostly failing at doing so, because it comes down to how people treat each other. Also they are afraid of exposing the rapist because his family is wealthy.


The episode was emotional rollercoaster that built itself up only to leave me unfulfilled. The ending itself was poor. I don't mind when some questions go unanswered but there were way too many things going on towards the end - pretty much all the main characters were left with multiple unresolved issues. I can't decide whether the decision to end the episode where they did was lazy or greedy - in the sense that it was left open to cashing in in the future when it could and should have been finished in that episode.




they're definitely setting it up for season 2. There were a lot of unanswered questions, I would be ok if it ended with the one season, but i'd most likely tune in for another.
