MovieChat Forums > Last Man Standing (2011) Discussion > I literally just started binge watching ...

I literally just started binge watching on Hulu

and I'm almost through the first season. I'm finding out however that the characters are going to change in the future. The oldest daughter isn't even going to be the same actress after this season and the middle daughter will be changing at some point in later seasons. That's a bummer, I don't like when they change actors. I'd rather they just write the characters off, have them move away or something and they can make references to them, emails they hear from them or making references to just getting back from trips to see them. It is usually weird to bring in a completely different person but act like it is the same character.

I guess I have that to look forward to. Since the two oldest daughters are already out of school (oldest) and on the verge of being out of school (2nd oldest), I'm curious how they keep them as central characters in the show for 6-7 seasons. They should, ideally, move out and have their own lives and families of their own and should probably be fringe characters.

I guess I'll find out.


Oooooh, I just started season 2.

I really liked season 1 but this first episode from season 2 I am not liking where the show is going. First, all the political talk in the show. This episode is set during the Obama, Romney election and they are actually arguing politics on the show, naming the candidates by name and arguing about each as each family member is voting for someone different. I don't want politics in a comedy sitcom.

Secondly, the oldest daughter is a new actress. I'm not to keen on her. I like the other girl better and her personality isn't as likable as before.

They have also changed the father. He only appeared in one episode I think in season 1 and it was played by a Jonas brother. They have some other guy playing him and he appears to be a new regular to the show. I don't really want him on the show. I don't like this changed either.

I'm not sure how I like the changes in the show. We'll see.


If you don't like new Kristen, new Ryan and the political slant....this may not be the show for you. Just saying....


Well, season one wasn't that political. Openly talking real life political candidates and spouting off the normal stuff you hear in left/right arguments. Up till then it was just manly man stuff and guys not being wusses type of humor. Hopefully they are done with the politics for now.


They're not.

Ryan is VERY liberal, so he and Mike butt heads quite often.


Wait till you get to the current season and new Kristin puts on 100 pounds and still can’t act. I try to ignore that she’s in the show.


Halfway through season 3. Mandy is starting to grow on me. Sorry to know she will also be replaced at sometime in the future. She's still an annoying, superficial twit but she is more likeable now. I've liked the cameo's by one of his son characters from Home Improvement. At first I didn't get it, I didn't recognize him but he works at that expensive restaurant and they were out to eat and when he approached the table the audience noise went crazy but I didn't know why. I was wondering what they knew that I didn't, why is everyone reaction to this character. I finally recognized him and I got it. That's two characters from Home Improvement that have been on here, I wonder if more will come. He had the wife character and two other sons on that show.


The "wife-character" is actress Patricia Richardson, the "son character" is Jonathon Taylor Thomas, and yes, they were both on "Home Improvement", which I am assuming that you have never watched, or you would have gotten the joke sooner. The other two actors who played his sons were Zachery Ty Bryan and Taran Noah Smith.


I didn't really watch it, I was aware of it though. I knew the faces of the characters and knew he would always talk to that neighbor over the fence and you could never see his face. That actor was a middle school age looking kid the scenes I had seen from channel surfing back then. It took me a few seconds to put two and two together to realize that is who that was. Are you mentioning the wife as an FYI or is she going to be making an appearance? I just started season 4. Eve is getting more manly and Mandy is coming into her own more with her fashion business and also with dating Kyle. I'm bummed she is going to leave. No offense against the actress but I still don't really care that much for the actress that took over for the oldest sister.

Interesting that the show got cancelled and then pops back up again (after the actress already found other work).


Patricia Richardson, the actress who played Tim Allen's wife on "Home Improvement" appeared on "Last Man Standing", more as an inside joke to fans of "Home Improvement", and Jonathon Taylor Thomas appeared as her "son" as another nod to fans. She also said that her late husband used to blow stuff up while trying to fix things around the house, which was another nod to Tim's character on "Home Improvement".
I don't know that television channel lineup where you live, but "Home Improvement" reruns still air on the "Laff" channel. Check it out if you are of a mind.


Lol, I am watching that episode now, she is waking up everyone with the tile saw.
His marine neighbor peaked over the fence and said high-de-ho, just like on Home Improvement. LOL.


The last episode I watched, Mandy went out with another man and kissed him on their date while Kyle was out of town. I like her less now, she's very low character. I'm curious to see how Kyle reacts. I hope he dumps her but he's too stupid and naïve so he'll probably stay with her.


Early in season 5 right now. I'm not really seeing Mandy and Kyle together. I don't know. They just don't seem like a fit. I'm aware that they will be marrying sometime in the future. I'd like to see Kyle show some backbone at some point with her. He is just a doormat. He is very kind and has an unselfish heart but he sure is a pushover at times.


ps - I love the playful, race teasing, banter and the way Chuck (the neighbor) and Mike tease each other. That's the way things can be when people actually have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious.

I just recently watched an episode where Mike was referring to Chuck and said "you people have to go and do such and such" while they were talking on the phone.

Chuck: "And who would 'you' people be?"
Mike: "Are you going to make me say it?"
Chuck: "Yes"
Mike: "CAT PEOPLE" (talking about a cat hanging around the Baxter house after Chuck and some other neighbors started feeding some cat.

They tease each other with a sense of humor. So many these days are so uptight and can't laugh at anything and the moment friends mess with each other they freak out if black, white sneaks into the teasing in any way.


Almost caught up. I'm in season 7 and I'm at the part to where the exchange student from Hong Kong is living with them and Mike told her to stop being nice all the time and to say what you want.


I miss the old Mandy. The new actress is ok, she just isn't Mandy. I wonder how things would have gone if all of the original cast had stayed together.


Yes. I wish they would have sent Mandy to Paris or New York or something until Molly Ephraim returned to her senses. Her career is going nowhere. She would have come back.
