GCB Canceled :(

bummer. I loved the characters! I really hope to see Miriam Shor (Cricket) on tv again, soon!

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/05/11/scandal-renewed-by-abc-for -a-second-season/133523/comment-page-7/#comments


Having recently watched what chronologically would be the 10th anniversary of the M*A*S*H 30th anniversary special, I was struck by a similar pattern of a weak first season in a bad time spot and realized that in the current climate, one of the most successful TV shows ever wouldn't have been kept either.

Looks like the execs have grown fond of shooting themselves in the foot.

I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


How come ABC always cancels the good shows?! I think they need some new people deciding what shows stay and what shows go. I could volunteer! :)


uggghhh!!! I feel like a guinea pig and it's exhausting! How many cancelings do I have to go through? I can't deal with this crap anymore!!! I feel like picketing against "CANCELLATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! GIVE US ONE MORE CHANCE! GIVE US ONE MORE CHANCE"...

That garbage Kardashian has been around for what feels like 20 yrs... how can ANYONE in their RIGHT mind watch those imbeciles season after season after season!? OMG!!!


can't outrun your own shadow


WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Why do all the good shows get cancelled?! SO upset. I love this show. SUCH character development and great writing. This is crazy. Please bring it back.


You know, if you want this show back, you guys can sign the petition here: http://savegcb.com . Let's save GCB!!


ABC are morons. And that is all there is to it.


other than Once Upon a Time I don't watch any series untill it has at least 2 seasons I'm so tired of getting involved in a show and then seeing it cx ex Eli Ston, Prime Suspect, The Firm amd The Playboy Club(only 3 episodes and they cx) etc etc etc I'll stick with TNT USA FX at least they give a show time to grow Bet The Closer would have been cx after a few episodes on the Networks after a few shows but got 7 years on TNT and please dear god stop with all the reality garbage their audience is the knuckle draggers


Actually I'm surprised it stayed on at all, I have nothing against any of the female leads on the series but I've noticed several of them have had series in the past that were canceled the first season or their characters were killed off.on other series, Leslie Bibb, Marisol Nichols and Miriam Shor haven't had much lick with their past few series, some actors just have bad luck with series.

The actor Debrah Farentino has talked about all the series she's been on that weren't hits, and how she never got discouraged.

I'm sure these young women will find other projects.

http://www.thereelstylist.com http://mycostumedepartment.com/


I am in Australia and even as a poor dumb Aussie i know that cancelling this is a big mistake

