MovieChat Forums > The Fall Guy (2024) Discussion > Is it about time we blame the actors ?

Is it about time we blame the actors ?

For the flops that keep on coming this year.


Why? Actors don't have the power to put agenda driven themes in the movies, which often are the real culprit why the movies are failing.


did that happen with this one?


Who decided to make an action movie for women? I don't think it was the actors.

I don't think Ryan Gosling crying in the car listening to Taylor Swift was his idea.

Do you really think men would look up to someone like that?


I read in the other thread that some label it "Action movie for women?"
I just didnt know that was covered under "agenda driven themes"

im not defending it tho , certainly sounds a weak movie


There are definitely agenda in almost all recent movies and TV series, it is just more or less. The elites seemed to have reached a consensus on how we should think.

This movie was less in your face, but the theme (alpha female and beta male) I think is clear.


As always, you're checking in with the simpleton's take. Alpha and beta are made-up distinctions, used by people who can't find their place in the world and are looking for someone to blame for their own failures.

Nothing about this film was agenda-driven. Gosling was a hyper-masculine, realistic male. He's exactly the sort of man other men look up to, and strive to emulate. You can pretend the John Wayne archetype exists, or that it ever did, but that's merely wishful thinking on your part.


Of course, crying in his car showcased that "hyper-masculine" behaviour.

But I get it. The necessary quality of being a shill is the shamelessness.


Men cry. That's realism. Whenever I call you out on any of the nonsense you post you respond by claiming I work for whichever studio made the movie. Apparently I'm employed by every studio in Hollywood, and I'm being paid to occasionally post on Moviechat. Of course, when I post negatively about films that must be in the weeks where their checks bounced?


I think you work for whoever pays you, that is what shills do. Disney is the most noticeable among them, then again they have the most money.

I never assumed that is your only account.

I don't think every movie studio pays you, also most of your negative remarks are about non-current shows.


It adds up. You espouse so many conspiracy theories that off course you assume anyone who disagrees with you online was paid to do so.


No, I might have suspected the others, but the only one I firmly accused is you, and you alone.


That makes it even funnier somehow. I'm just another movie fan, expressing my opinions here, but you've somehow lumped me into your conspiracy theories.


In a film like the fall guy people that buy tickets come to see the actors! They stayed home now. Ie its valid to blame the actors.


They come to see the film, not the actors. They stay home because they can stream it. The real question you need to answer is how many people in total watched the film. That's what matters. That's what tells you whether audiences were into the film or not. Box office performance no longer tells you that.

In the past it was easy to know. If they were into it, they bought a ticket and saw it in a theater. If 10 million people spent $10 on a ticket, the film made $100 million. Now perhaps only 2 million buy a ticket, but 8 million opt to watch at home. That's still 10 million viewers, it just isn't reflected in the film's take at the box office.


The blame lies squarely on audiences, not the actors. They're the ones who have abandoned movie-going in favor of streaming.


Why pay for shit?


Think about his position, he never thought himself as a part of audience, he was squarely on the side of movie studios (movie studios are clearly to blame but that thought never crossed his mind, that has been his position consistently), now who does that?

Who could be so biased to actually blame the customers when products don't sell?
