

That was the point

If I had guess, I'd say that i-Roq looks a lot like T.J. Miller in his role as "Weasel" in "Deadpool."


D'oh! I thought that voice was Ryan Reynolds.


They do sound similar - but if I didn't already know what T.J. Miller sounded like, I'd have thought it was Jason Lee.


Probably a big chick named Claire who’s dedicated her life to the Oasis and not much else. Or it’s an actual dude named Chuck that looks an awful lot like the extremely out of shape Ben Stiller in the movie Dodgeball (basically what a 300 pound T.J. Miller would look like). He might’ve been around Wade’s age for all we know.

If memory serves me right, in the book he disappears without a word, so not showing his/her real identity in the film made sense. I didn’t mind it so much, especially knowing that it’s very clearly T.J. Miller behind the voice.
