MovieChat Forums > The Revenant (2016) Discussion > I'm confused by the hate for this film.

I'm confused by the hate for this film.

I thought it was beautiful and I've seen it 4 times. It keeps getting better. I've read that many complain that it's so bleak, but that's the point. And there are moments that aren't bleak, where desperate men are out only for themselves such as scene with the helpful Indian, the scene where the boy gives food to the Indian woman in the shattered village, etc.

I love this film.

There seems to be no middle ground on this one. You either love it, or hate it. Strange. Why is that I wonder?

Edit: Weeks after posting this question, I've come to the conclusion that IMDB forums are full of a few thoughtful people and a bunch of goofballs. There are a lot of really nasty and childish comments here. For those who actually thought about their answers - thank you. But I won't waste any more time here. I'll discuss movies with friends over a few beers.


Overtly, overtly, overtly, overtly graphic and mean-spirited and vicious and violent. Far more so than way..."Dances With Wolves." Flics like this are very common due to desensitization of society. My opinion would be considered to be a 'squeamish' viewpoint but 50 years ago all of society would've never conceived that a movie like this could be made and be universally-accepted. Otherwise an amazing film -in part due to how violent it is...

Awesome cinematography and amazing survivability...


Oh Boo Hoo for your sensitivity toward an environment that was pretty much like this.. What did you expect??


It might just be that there are lots of malcontents on this message board.


I enjoyed it, but you couldn't pay me to see it again.


I didn't love or hated it.

The cinematography was stunning, but it never really lived up to the hype.
I enjoyed it, but it didn't leave a big impression.


I loved this film. It left a huge impact on me. The last movies that had the same visceral impact on me were No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood.

It is visually stunning, intense, brutal and a breath of fresh air as far as modern action movies go. It was refreshing to see a gritty adventure that didn't feel the need to cut every 4 seconds and allowed the audience to spend time with the characters and get a feel for the environment. Though some people might have found them boring or pretentious, I loved the lingering landscape and nature shots.

I will admit that I am a sucker for winter adventure movies, along with anything that manages to be harsh, brutally violent and artistic, so this movie was perfect for me on those grounds alone.

I'm sure some were put off by the violence and harsh nature, as a few posters on this thread mentioned, but I think most of the hate for this film comes from people who saw it as a desperate, overhyped Oscar-bait fest.

To each his own, but I love this film very much and have already watched it many times in the theater and at home.

My latest movie: Available internationally here!


This is the first positive opinion I've read on this thread that actually makes sense.


I really liked the other 2 movies you mentioned, but not this POS.


The hater, I believe, are just DiCaprio or Hardy haters.


I do not quite understand why someone who disagrees with you is a goof ball. I dislike this movie vehemently. Not one human being ever in existence cold survive even one night in that cold, especially without protection, food, and shelter, not to mention he was wet most of the time, and obviously badly injured, at the beginning. The chances of getting an infection would have been about 99% also. I would have to suspend logic as much as when watching Star Wars to even begin to believe this story which is supposed to be based in truth. I agree with those that like the photography, but that isn't enough to bring this in to being a good movie, at least to me. Also, the dialog was unintelligible at times, but some people think that makes it "authentic."

Now,I realize this movie has a high rating which means I am in the minority. Sometimes, some people just don't like some movies for unknown reasons. However, I just can't begin to believe something like what happened to Leonardo's character was even remotely possible. I also realize that sometimes one must suspend logic when watching a sci-fi movie, but not a movie about fur trappers in the mountains a hundred years ago. Sometimes, I watch a "not too good of a movie" just to be entertained, and this one would have made me get up and leave the theater and moan about being relieved of $10 bucks or more. Fortunately, I viewed it at home and just did some typing about this movie to help get me through it.

While I am communicating with you, I also want to say a little more. Please bear with me. I also have a bit of a problem where I don't always like a movie the first time as I watch the scenery a lot, and thus miss some of the dialog. As a result, sometimes after viewing a movie the second time, it becomes better to me. I had to watch "Blade Runner" twice before I liked it, and "Out of Africa" about 3 or 4 times to appreciate it. Only the John Barry music kept me interested enough to see it again. It will take quite an effort for me to watch this one a second time.

You know what just re-occurred to me? I am trying to convince you that those who disagree with you aren't necessarily "goofballs." I hope I have made an impression on you to alleviate this thought pattern. God Day


It's overly artsy and dragged out. It's trying to be deep, meaningful, cineastic, but fails to be what it wants to be.


All the hate is for the hatred for Hardy's character... god I want to skin him alive!


Well Hardy definitely gets his in the end
