Very weak directing!

This film could have had a chance with another director. CGI nonsense.


I agree. It was badly directed.


Honest question: do either of you have any idea what a Director *does,* on a movie set? Indie, mid-tier, or (as in this case) big-budget? The question is literal: ANY idea. . .besides sitting in a canvas chair, & yelling "action!"???


Directors of this movie have no idea either


It's just funny to me when people babble nonsense about the job a Director did, when they (clearly) have NO IDEA what a Director actually Does on a movie set. Or understand that that job description varies INCREDIBLY, depending on the movie.



I hate the Russo bros. The tone of their movies and the ludicrous ubelievable way they handle action. I give it a pass with the super hero crap cause it's dumb ass super hero crap. But those same sensibilities appied to a gritty real world premise doesn't work at all. I found the first 30 minutes enjoyable as the Bourne knockoff that it was, but it just became a silly slog.
