Who TF is tuner Hayes?

They’re not even using Damien Wayne some brand-new kid who Batman adopted tuner Hayes? And also jokers gonna have a daughter That’s good?


At least Duela is from the comics. Yeah not sure why they're using a made up character as Bruce's son.


This is 100% gonna be canceled after the first season


Most likely. Zaslav has been axing everything else.


I called it, it was cancelled after the first season 🤣


I bet you are right. Which is too bad. I don't enjoy most comic shows on TV anymore, and I really liked this first episode.

Superman & Lois and Invincible are the only other ones I'm watching. What's your favorite comic TV series?


I haven't read comics in 20+ years, so this confused the hell out of me, too. I thought it was going to be that Damon kid. Not even sure I spelled his name right... but I vaguely remember him coming after Dick Grayson.

Then they threw Kelly in there from Dark Knight, so that really threw me, too. Not sure what continuity or Earth this is... a new one for me, I guess.


For some dumb reason DC sometimes forbids shows based on their comics from using certain characters. It’s why Two-face wasn’t in the “The Batman” cartoon. And why Gotham had to create these original clown-like psychopaths because they weren’t allowed to use The Joker. Guess that is why we got this Turner dude instead of any of the multiple existing Robins.
