MovieChat Forums > Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Discussion > Why does the USA control the "Internatio...

Why does the USA control the "International" Defence System

Why does the US control the supposedly "international" defence system? American exceptionalism, and belief in their own right to control the world, is sickening. I would join with the aliens to destroy the USA, if I could.


Stop talking like an idiot.

The US manage/oversee command operations of an American designed defense system built with the cooperation/involvement of other nations.

The Chinese moon base had a Chinese Army commander, so wtf is the problem here?


i wondered about that, and the fact that it could be utilised solely on the US president's say so. that did not seem likely at all. how can one person have control of a global defence system?


exactly its the typical American crappy movie where americans have to be in control of everything its pretty laughable








Ahem...because it's a Hollywood movie!
Similar things happen to movies from thier respective countries.
But if u do find an exception to the above Hollywood style...pls do recommend such movies.


If non Americans don't like it then they are always welcome to make their own alien invasion films.


The US President didn't have sole control.

The scene where the laser was used on the sphere ship had the main world leaders voting on whether to strike or not. The vote was tied when US President Lanford came to cast her vote so her vote gave the go ahead

What happened to the days of when people actually sat down and watched a movie from start to finish? This was clearly in the film, so nice pointing that out!

Who's strangling the cat?

reply one cares about what you would do. You are jus a sad little lonely American who thinks it is cool to hate on our country.

but, you suicidal little boy..yes, given out military is far and away superior to any other country's, we WOULD be called on to lead a worldwide defense system. Just as we ARE called on to do whenever there is a conflict BETWEEN NATIONS now.

You know what is so sad about your suicidal life? You are clearly an American. But you are SO lonely because no one wants to be around you, that you think that creating an ISIS type fictional character of yourself to post on a board that has almost NO posts anymore is going to keep you from having those suicidal thoughts. I hate to tell you..but if you are that lonely, then those thoughts you are having are GOOD thoughts. Because you are never going to have a life that you enjoy. No one will ever be happy you are alive, including yourself.


Cuse we are the best. This world would be garbage without America. Shipping lanes would be pirated without American Naval vessels keeping the oceans safe. America basically existing is the reason why there have been no major wars since WWII. We keep the peace and spread freedom and Capitalism to the rest of the world. Plus we made the movie so sit down and be quiet.


If you are the best, then why can't you stop your kids from shooting up the schools? Derp.


Because it was filmed and funded in the USA. When Poland raises the money to make their own reboot, we'll be asking WTF is it doing in Poland? And add your favorite Polish joke as a tagline.
