MovieChat Forums > Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Discussion > Why does the USA control the "Internatio...

Why does the USA control the "International" Defence System

Why does the US control the supposedly "international" defence system? American exceptionalism, and belief in their own right to control the world, is sickening. I would join with the aliens to destroy the USA, if I could.


They established early in the film that the international defense system was created by the United Nations. In real life, the UN is headquartered in *GASP* New York City! Sounds like another example of the US asserting its dominance over the rest of the world, and I expect you to lead the fight against such a global travesty.


Because if we gave it to Russia they would drink it, if we gave it to Germany they would take over the world with it, if we gave it to Japan they would make a race of sex robots out of it, and if we gave it to a middle eastern country they would fly it into something.


Funniest post I've read all day.


It's so that all the rednecks can shout "America! Hell Yeah!" when they watch it


Suburban Robot That Monitors Reality


Cuz Murica KICKS ASS ♫♪ You Can Still Rock in America ♫♪

“Any man dies with a clean sword, I’ll rape his fücking corpse!"


Why does the US control the supposedly "international" defence system? American exceptionalism, and belief in their own right to control the world, is sickening. I would join with the aliens to destroy the USA, if I could.

Who else would control the international defence system?

Iran, Iraq...Oh, maybe Russia or China. All good ideas.Right,Einstein?


Switzerland: they're efficient, neutral and aren't a major hate figure.
It's not "Sci-Fi", it's "SF"!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


Because the United States figured out how to defeat the aliens the first time around, told everyone else about their plans to bring down their shields and succeeded, then lead the world wide counter strike and defeated the first City Destroyer, the world won because of them, no doubt they played a part in the rebuilding process too.

So the first nation to defeat the aliens plays the biggest part in the international defense force, kind of like how the USA was responsible for the Allies winning World War 1 despite entering last, if it wasnt for the Marines arriving in France in large numbers then Paris would have fallen and the war lasted longer, the Americans stopped that and forced the surrender, they also entered World War 2 and saved the British and Soviets from total defeat and surrender, both were being defeated and the American entry saved them.

The Americans winning both wars made them the primary world powers, so winning a war against aliens makes them the number one military power, everyone else takes orders from them, its all logical.


Because an American is the one that figured out how to defeat them.

It was the Americans that managed to bring the first ship down.'s an American film made by an American studio that wanted to appeal to a large domestic fanbase.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Lol. You got quite a few replies out of this obvious troll post.

I did notice Bill Pullman's character had a "Luftwaffe" book at his bedside surrounded by disc saucer drawings from his dreams. One could argue that America, with its victory in WWII and Area 51 facility was the logical inheritor of a defense system of the world. it had been tinkering with the tech since the 1950s.

It looked like China had a hand in the current earth defense as well... moon base etc. Who knows what sort of alien tech they had secretly sequestered in their bowls of rice and aircraft carriers that have a fun slide at the bow. Crafty little long-marchin' chines.

I couldn't believe when I read his filmography that he played a toilet (no joke) in According to Jim
