Looks awful

The cgi is very sharp looking. Did anyone else think it looked too clean?


Yep. Too bright, too colourful, over the top, misses the atmosphere of the book entirely. This is going by the trailer. Haven't seen it, nor will I.

Disappointing, as it's a great book and could have been a great movie.


You and one other person have said that about the trailer. Do you think this will be better than the 2003 adaptation (TV movie)?


I haven't seen the 2003 adaptation, except for some clips I just now found on YouTube. While the 2003 version doesn't look good either, it looks like its atmosphere is a bit closer to the book's.


That's most movies these days, far too much of a manufactured look. I miss when family films had some grit like The Goonies and The Dark Crystal.


Yeah! Too perfect! I will stick to The Muppet Movies! (LOL)!


Based on the trailer it totally does seem to miss the atmosphere of the book so completely that it's unrecognizable to me, having been obsessed with the book as a kid and having read it many times. Such a bummer! It really looks like such a saccharine abomination. Am sad.


That's one of those things about seeing an interpretation of our imagination. Fortunately, it can be made again if it isn't very good.


True, but that's always the case. Usually the two aren't so violently jarring as it is with this movie. Can be made again, but isn't likely to, since this one's flopping, and the 2003 version isn't well regarded either.


Fair point.
