MovieChat Forums > Outsourced (2010) Discussion > Why cancel one of the funniest shows on ...

Why cancel one of the funniest shows on TV?

This show is so funny... They renew shows that have had their time and should come to an end... but cancel new and refreshing shows... I just don't get it.


I can't speak for the other posters in this thread, but I couldn't stand this show because it made light of a corrupted business practice (outsourcing) that hits too close to home for my family and cannot be viewed as comical, no matter how many slapstick antics or quirky characters were injected into each episode. My dad was laid off as a result of outsourcing and spent nearly a year without a job as a result of it. Under such economic hardship I couldn't see anything funny about it. And considering there are so many Americans out of work right now, most viewers apparently agreed with me. Thus, the show was axed.




This was a great series - never failed to laugh out loud at every episode. I can't believe it has been cancelled. I am from the U - I don't think it was actually shown on British TV but I am sure if it had it would have found a big audience. As for claims that it was insensitive and racist, I just don't buy. Yes, it plays up some stereotypes but most culture clash comedies do that, which isn't a bad thing in itself. There wasn't anything mean spirited about this show. All the characters were great, even the non-speaking office extras added to the charm. Bah, bad call NBC, you couldn't see you had a hit on your hands.

"Remember, you have to make it home to get paid" (The Dogs of War)


This show was based on an indie movie hit from 2006 directed by John Jeffcoat, also called Outsourced. Most of the characters and many of the situations were lifted from the movie, although nothing was identical. I saw the series prior to watching the movie, and after seeing the movie I can say that once the series had milked the movie for its set-ups, it started to run downhill a bit, which speaks a bit to a lack of imagination by the writers. They were great when they had the premises set up by the movie to riff on, but once those had been taken to their limits, the writers were having trouble coming up with fresh material that kept things in the same lightly comedic vein. Also, as you will recognize from reading other comments here, there was (understandably) a large backlash from people in the US whose own jobs had actually been outsourced and who found nothing here to laugh about. I personally think it best to view it more as a mini-series based on the original movie, and be happy with what we got. I was sorry to see it go, but not as sorry as I would have been if the writers had been able to carry on past the movie.



This show is about an American going to another country and trying to learn and respect another culture. It most likely got canceled because the average American could in no way relate to that.


I agree. Underated show.


SJW's got i canceled for being offensive stereotypes for Indian call centers with funny accents
