MovieChat Forums > Outsourced (2010) Discussion > Why cancel one of the funniest shows on ...

Why cancel one of the funniest shows on TV?

This show is so funny... They renew shows that have had their time and should come to an end... but cancel new and refreshing shows... I just don't get it.


I am sad, but Chuck gets one more season, so my emotions balanced out (and I actually like Chuck more so...)

I am glad they got a full season treatment, unlike Running Wilde (which I admit, was not a very good show).

If you like the show, go see the movie it is based off of.


I'll tell you why it was cancelled. I preface this by saying that I liked the show... especially once they dumped that annoying Aussie chick. A sitcom with a subtext of Americans losing their jobs en masse had a chance of surviving on American television. End of story. The average American television viewer is precisely the kind of person who is in fear of losing their job.. or already has. Educated professionals, business owners ect., who have enough detachment from that situation to laugh at something like this, make up a small percentage of the regular television viewing audience.


Not true.


wow! i can't believed i got into this series sooooo late! this show was hilarious! i'm checking out what i missed right now and have yet to be disappointed.
the 3 funniest characters are gupta, charlie, and manmeet, but to be honest everyone did a great job!


Love these characters! Sad to say goodbay for now.


I know! And I just got into the series, since it newly aired here in Norway. It was a HUGE bummer finding out that the show was already cancelled.


This was by far one of the best sitcoms that has come out in a long time. Original, fresh and entertaining. I have no clue how it didn’t get high enough ratings to stay on the air. All the new sitcoms that have come out this season are barely watchable compared to this show.


yes i agree.. this show is really funny.
and i think they are not racist. actually, i learn about india from this show. and it's so fun to know about the cultures :D



I'm going to guess people cried "racism" without even giving it a chance, the network got scared, and it was canned.

And by 'people', I mean white, liberal Americans, as opposed to actual Indians.

I know it's a dirty game, but it's the only one The Man left us to play.


it was a great show, it was funny and didn't have a stupid laugh track. It made light of a major problem affecting the world. Jobs being outsourced because it's cheaper. It was cancelled because not many americans were ready for it. It was a too soon show.

I Am The Doctor.


I liked it and watched every episode, but it might have been cancelled simply because not enough people were watching it. We've seen many excellent shows get cancelled simply because they didn't find an audience, which was sometimes because they didn't have a wide enough appeal.

2012 is a BANNER year for superhero movies!



This is the worst sitcom I've ever seen by far. What do they put in your water to dumb you down so much?
