Seriously, that was some freaky s*it.



A few months ago, I was intrigued by the description of this movie on the on-screen guide provided by DirecTV so I set it on "autotune" for my night off (I work graveyard). The night arrived and I fell asleep on the couch (in front of the big-screen) during another movie that I was watching earlier. I just happened to wake up just when KK was "chewing up the scenery". Needless to say, it scared the sh!t out of me and I think I developed cardiac arrhythmia because of it. I'm definitely considering contacting my lawyer.

There's a difference between being frank... and being dick.


I heard the sound of a cash register drawer opening...


LOL (for real)! I know it's nearly three years later, but that's freaking hilarious!! 

I have hated Keira's butt-ugly, jutting jaw (and clenched teeth) for many years and films. In fact, my spouse and I have referred to her as "The Chin" for at least a decade. Creepy mouth work, for sure.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)



I thought she had no inhibitions in this movie. For that I give her credit.


Top-level gurning.
