MovieChat Forums > Skyline (2010) Discussion > 1000 Things I Learned...

1000 Things I Learned...

The special FX was good in this movie, and probably was the only thing that kept me awake. Lol, anyways, even crappy movies like these I always learn something from them, so...

1. Alien probes armed with advanced technology won't bother to look behind window blinds or curtains.
2. If the window blinds are gone, hiding behind tabletop counters are just as effective. They won't bother doing a deeper search.
3. If you know alien blue lights can suck your attention in and mind control you, looking at it through a telescope is okay.
4. If aliens invade the planet, the first thing to do is to get to a boat and pray they can't get to you in water.
5. Like #4, if you saw your best friend and a couple others die the first time because you all tried getting to the boat, try it again the second time.
6. Take pictures of aliens invading the city with the same camera you used to take pictures of your best friend cheating with his assistant.



149. That sometimes the critics are right! This movie was bad, bad, bad.

Follow me on twitter @sydsmoviepicks


1000 things? Seriously, life's too short...


The black dude always gets killed

151. a hot assistant/help/maid will also go sunbathing with her employers.

152. an SUV can accelarate and reach enough speed IN 1 SEC or less, so fast nobody hears or sees it coming, and crush an alien. Bugatti might as well close shop.

153. the military always forgets about artillery during alien invasions.


154. When Shooting and bombing it doesn;t work, keep shooting and bombing it harder instead of using biological or chemical warfare


155. When being chased by a gigantic Alien, it's best to yell "RUN!" at your companions, just in case no-one was sure what to do.

156. Aliens snack on Human brains like popcorn.

157. Wait... Donald Faison's character was a SFX artist? Seriously?

158. The black guy will - a) have a gun; b) die quickly; c) only bang white chicks

159. d) only have white friends? (I didn't pay much attention during the party scene)

160. Aliens are really Zombies (BRAAAAIIINNNNSSSS)

161. It's easy to be a hero if you have no discernible skills or talents.

162. Screw the invasion! I'm pregnant; and if my boyfriend doesn't show me some serious commitment, I'll throw a hissy fit that'll make brain-sucking aliens seem like a viable alternative!!



163. If you are ever afraid that aliens will invade, make sure you have seen The Matrix so you know exactly what they will look like.

164. If you decide to stay in the apartment for some heroic gas explosion antics, make sure you are so heavy that the alien tentacles can't pull you out of the window.
Tip: You need to be at least heavier than a helicopter.

165. Aliens might have a blue light that means they control your body and make you just walk towards them, but what they really like is good, old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat.

166. If your the lead female, you will be the only one to wake up before your brain is removed in the mothership.

167. If you come out of the bathroom and the hot blonde is being abducted by the light, go and stand directly behind her (facing the light) but make no attempt to pull her inside.

168. A bunch of keys becomes useless and a waste of time if you ever meet a locked door while an alien is chasing you.

169. Even though it is not your telescope, you will be an expert using it, enough to track a bomber plane through the sky in a battle so everyone else can watch it on TV and cheer for it.

170. Bomber planes cannot explode or be hit until they have fired off the bomb, then it is pretty much instant.

171. If your body has been changed by aliens and you are in pain, it is always best to keep it to yourself, and shout at anyone who asks about it.


172. It is reasonable to smoke a cigarette during an alien invasion.


173. Only the most modern fighters (F-22s) can be used to attack alien craft.

174. Long-range missiles cannot be used. Fighters must close to within close range before firing.

175. Alien invaders will cross vast interstellar distances to harvest brains. No matter that it would be far simpler and easier to *farm* them.

176. When following fast-moving planes with a telescope you can at all times keep them perfectly in shot and in focus.

177. A black man isn't always FIRST to die, but he won't be far off.

178. Alien ships will always have tentacles.

179. If a nuclear weapon severely damages the alien mothership but doesn't destroy it, and if it starts repairing itself, there is no point in using another nuke, or two, to finish the job.


164. If you decide to stay in the apartment for some heroic gas explosion antics, make sure you are so heavy that the alien tentacles can't pull you out of the window.
Tip: You need to be at least heavier than a helicopter.
Like Oprah๎€ฆ๎€ฆ๎€ฆ

I have 2 sets of twin boys, Pete & Repete and Mark & Remarkable


180. Half of the apartment building is unoccupied.
181. The other half of the building is trying to sleep.


182 They were still making to much noise at the start with the party.


183. Jarad is moonlighting on Subway.
184. Black guys are always Playars!
185. You will still have electricity even after several days of Aliens blowing up your city.
186. Automatic Blinds are very fragile and will fall down in case of a Earthquake/Alien Invasion.
187. Aliens that have invented Intergalactic space travel don't have the ability to detect heat signature from bodies in an apartment.
188. If you don't have water make sure you have a lot of Boos around.
189. The US military doesn't want to take credit for blowing up Aliens so they will fly planes with no designations at all on them. However they will fly planes that look like an 80's arcade game.
190. You will always wake up just before the Aliens want to suck out your brains.
191. If an alien eats your brain he's now you and he can go out with your hot girl friend
192. Aliens have a soft spot for pregnant earth woman.
193. Your face can get real wrecked up like your blood vessels are bursting but it will go away if you get out of the "Alien" LED light.
194. If an alien is going to eat you, make sure you say something macho in Spanish like Arnold.
195. It won't occur to you to save some water up in containers if the city is getting blown up day after day by an alien invasion.


196. During an alien invasion all the news anchors from all the channels will disappear first.
197. You are rich but your smartphone is still sliding up.
198. Living in a high-rise apartment building is the new rich - mansion will not cut it anymore.


196. During an alien invasion all the news anchors from all the channels will disappear first.

196A. Any even though the anchors are gone, the cameramen MUST keep shooting their empty chairs.

I'm aware that it's just a movie. There's no need to remind me.


197. Dont say *beep* to your girlfriend if she pregnant, because alien take it as a special case and maybe could give you time to save your a*s!

198. With love, your head will turn red!

199. With love, you can conquer everything such as alien?


200. Since 1953, audiences have never tired of watching alien probes on the ends of tentacles snake through their basements and penthouses.

201. You can run up the stairs to the penthouse of a high-rise condo and not be sweaty or short of breath.


(I liked 162 and 186 the best).

202. If you're behind a rooftop door that people are shooting at, open it.

203. If you're a playa, just assure your guests that "Everything's under control".

203a. Similarly, if you have a nose 4x the human average, and have had an alien interaction where they've left a strange mark, assure your girlfriend that "It's nothing".

204. Keep the gas fireplace lit in an LA highrise during all alien attacks.

205. If it's clear that aliens are after human bodies, leave your cement fortress and run around in the open for a while.

206. Power and water utilities take a long time to fail during any alien invasio9n. Internet goes first.

207. No matter how much your dog may smell, close your windows during alien attacks, you'll be safer.

208. During aliens attacks, where holing up in the concrete box you're in might always remain a viable option, don't bother to full your tubs and every other container you may have with drinking water. There's plenty of beer in the fridge.

209. If you're a Hollywood type and have therefore seen umpteen dozen alien attack movies already where aliens are killed off by something unusual, DON'T experiment by tossing unusual things at them. Instead, use projectile weapons, knives and cinder blocks. (My Step 1 would probably be a water balloon filled with pee, or to sneeze at them).

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


209: If you want to get to the marina across the street, either form a motorcade, or go to the roof.

- Norway is nice
- Lots of oil there, for now
- Come talk when you're out. We're sitting on most of ours




211 - that old black and white film during the cold war that told americans to just duck and cover during a soviet nuclear attack is actually right:


212 - Love do conquer all - especially when it's RED! :-D
(maybe the directors are secretely Communists! ;-)

Just seen this movie on TV. It's good if you have a 12-years-old mental age.

The only sure thing we know: we don't know everything - and we never will.


213 - it only takes 1-2 minutes to fill up a large room with gas using your gas oven, even if a window is wide open.
214 - a gas explosion is deadlier thn an atomic explosion.
215 - if your main weapon during an earth invasion is making people look into your fancy blue light, it's ok to start your invasion at night when 90% of the population are sleeping


216 - Watching a nuclear explosion through a telescope won't render you blind in at least one eye.

217 - B2 bombers are extremely nimble in flight.

218 - In the event of an alien invasion, hit the water. No aliens would attack anything in the ocean, not for any reason.

219 - The London Eye is more iconic to England than Big Ben.

220 - Blue, hypnotic alien lights can be viewed from a safe distance without any ill effects or hypnosis.

221 - A military chopper that's heading in your direction is coming to rescue you. Especially if it dropped soldiers off at your apartment earlier.

222 - The shockwave from a nuclear weapon detonated several miles away from you cannot destroy your apartment complex.

223 - Brains are blue-coloured in general.

224 - The aliens success in Los Angeles hinges on seizing a handful of people holed up in an upmarket highrise apartment block.

225 - If you want to escape aliens, use a Ferrari and a Jeremy Clarkson mentality. If it fails, call it your best chance of survival and contemplate doing it again.

They call me the wanderer.


#217 that was not a B2 bomber you asshat, it was a X-47 unmanned drone they were using. Get your *beep* together before you start poking fun at a movie. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

You heard it here first. "Don't let facts get in the way of a good trolling."


226. Brains glow.

Don't read this! Too late, you're cursed...
