MovieChat Forums > Skyline (2010) Discussion > 1000 Things I Learned...

1000 Things I Learned...

The special FX was good in this movie, and probably was the only thing that kept me awake. Lol, anyways, even crappy movies like these I always learn something from them, so...

1. Alien probes armed with advanced technology won't bother to look behind window blinds or curtains.
2. If the window blinds are gone, hiding behind tabletop counters are just as effective. They won't bother doing a deeper search.
3. If you know alien blue lights can suck your attention in and mind control you, looking at it through a telescope is okay.
4. If aliens invade the planet, the first thing to do is to get to a boat and pray they can't get to you in water.
5. Like #4, if you saw your best friend and a couple others die the first time because you all tried getting to the boat, try it again the second time.
6. Take pictures of aliens invading the city with the same camera you used to take pictures of your best friend cheating with his assistant.


7. Aliens get borked by being hit by SUVs, but have no problem flying head on into Fighter Jets.

8. When your friend is trying to run away from a giant alien, it's best to run up to your friend and hold him in place so the alien can grab him.


*For the record, I did enjoy the film, until the ending anyway. But, for the budget, the graphics were pretty damn good. This is just for fun!

9. The military NEVER uses land-based ordnance to attack giant hovering motherships. I guess sending wave after wave of fighters is much more convenient than bombarding the damn things with artillery, rocket artillery, surface-to-air missiles, and Naval batteries.

10. By all means, do not use high altitude fighters and bombers to attack any of the damn targets. I mean, we can use precision guided bombs to take out *beep* Taliban huts in the desert, but I guess a huge hovering ship is too difficult of a target.

11. The American counterattack will be spearheaded by a bunch of drones with the fate of mankind resting on the shoulders of only TWO "stealth" drones that are armed with nuclear missiles. Hopefully one will make it!! *Fingers crossed*

12. There are YouTube videos of Apache helicopters "sniping" targets hundreds of meters away IN THE DARK. But, no, let's not hang back at a distance and rain hell on the bastards with the 30 mm chain gun, hellfire rockets, and Sidewinder missiles. NO!! The better option is to send wave after wave of fighters with brain-dead pilots.

13. Apparently, F-22 pilots will forget all about the flying alien drones that they are dogfighting with and will concentrate all their attention on the giant alien monster playing King Kong on the side of a damn hotel. Bitch deserved to die.

14. Women, quit being shy and gon' take a nut! Hell, being pregnant might save your life one day!

15. Wow! I just survived having my car crushed by a giant monster and was able to crawl out without a scratch. Should I (a) run like hell before the thing sees me or (b) stand there and shoot it with my tiny ass 9 mm pistol. I think I'll choose B.

16. Judging by the people that were captured, there's finna be a bunch of dumb ass aliens. Simple instructions: don't look at the light. "Ooo, look, it's so shiny." Dumbass...

17. Apparently, no one realized that the reason the aliens weren't over water was because THERE WERE NO PEOPLE ON THE WATER! If you carry your dumb ass out there on the boat, they will go and get you!

This was just my take on things, and I like to take it all.


These 8 were the BEST things I learned..!



20) During a disaster if you see people on the rooftop, it's best to join them.
A) Arm yourself with a Nikon.

21) When attempting a quiet escape use a Ferrari.

Who invited E.T. -?


22. While the mother ship is repairing itself just stand there and watch. Why bother trying to run when they are busy?

23. You have been trying to stay quiet all movie so they can't find you, so when troops come go and scream on top of the roof for attention.


22a. While the mother ship is repairing itself, don't bother launching another nuclear strike or two to finish them off because ultimately we want to die.


24. If Nuclear bombs and machine guns are ineffective against an alien, just use your fists and a cinder block.

25. Brain transplant is as simple as removing the old brain and swallowing a new brain.


26. Own a pistol....try not to shoot at a metal door at close range or be the bright friend that is standing there next to the idiot shooting at a metal door at close range. Bullets ricochet and flying metal become shrapnel....

27. Watch Tom Cruise's War of the World and then remember that for aliens that have crossed the galaxies, aliens that have mastered interstellar travel.. that going for "the boats" is a STUPID IDEA!!! Good chance they covered the concept of sailing and water if their ships are H O V E R I N G !!!

28. Know that it is time to stop listening to your boyfriend or girlfriend when their idea to get off the roof quickly and without the monster aliens seeing you is to take a scaffolding. Yep, the slowest moving ...predetermined destination motorized vehicle that can be found in a city... Also movie reference... The Untouchables.... if Kevin Costner can catch Frank Nitti going over the edge of a building I am pretty sure the fast moving Aliens can....unless you have the magic shades in the apartment. Better than a Klingon cloaking device they are


I enjoyed this movie....but these threads are funny as poop ;)

29. If aliens attack, and they want your brain, just let them take it and you will be reborn into a super-cool alien body and you can save your girlfriend ;)

30. if you are poor, and your rich friend offers you a shot at money and fame...dont take it. Its better to have a gf that gets pissy about moving to LA and being loaded.

-Yes I am from Norway-
-Yes we have oil.
-No, you cant have any.


31. Be sure to get these window blinds as they are great when a nuclear device goes off in your town. There is no damage what so ever. awesome!

32. If you are low on water dont go and search the other appartments where the people were sucked out of. There is no chance they have a fridge willed with food and water like normal people. If you did you might survive for months ;)

33. And dont do the same for weapons and such. its LA, everyone is packin

-Yes I am from Norway-
-Yes we have oil.
-No, you cant have any.


34. Always have at least one character say: "I know you're scared--we're all scared!"
35. Make a shameless play for a sequel.
36. Never forget--the aliens are the stars, not the humans.

--Norway is a beautiful country.
--We know you have oil--and we know where it is.
--Next time Germany comes calling, we'll let you handle it alone.


24. If Nuclear bombs and machine guns are ineffective against an alien, just use your fists and a cinder block.

WE'll be ok in Wales then, 99% of houses are made of breeze block and we all have plenty of spare blocks in our gardens ;)


34. If you're tearing open buildings to get every brain you can, knock soldiers off the roof.

35. Aliens don't know which city to go to for brains.

36. They are OBVIOUSLY there to steal the valuable smog.

The more I think, the more I am?



39. A super advanced extra-terrestrial race will come to earth and use the brains from a race that has managed only to make it to their own moon.

40. After managing to stay somewhat safe within a building, you should run out into the open to get to another building with monstars all around.


That is the funniest no brainer.
