Anti Christian?

I've watched the first part, and so far, and I found it very upsetting. Why is it that whenever I see a film with christians in it, they're alwyas presented as ignorant bigots who have no right to claim Christ as their savior. Just once can I see a hollywood film where Christians actually act like Christians, or atleast a film where one can be a believer and also be intelligent.


I don't see a problem. It showed good Christians and frankly there are a large numbers of movie out there with religious main characters who are good people. This month is filled with them. There are extremist out there and yes sometimes movies will portray them too. Just look at how many movies make foreigners/white person/rich person/etc douche-bags. Does that mean every 'insert group of people' is like that? No!


In most films you watch, most of the characters are Christians. If the ignorant bigots seem more Christian to you than the nice ones, maybe the problem is with how you view Christians, rather than with Hollywood.



Unfortunately, most religious fanatics...are ignorant bigots. And it's gotten to the point that most Christians, are hypocrites, hate filled hypocrites.



I appreciate that it's your view that christians should be portrayed as loving, kind, giving beings, but, I am here to tell you, most people's experience with religious people is that they believe what they believe, and in no way does it make them a "better" person, though they themselves truly believe they are BETTER people, therefore, if 9 out of 10 times a religious person is portrayed as a self-centered, judgmental, selectively "caring", cheater, thief, evil person etc etc, this aligns closer to reality than your idea of religious people . Yes, teachings usually sound all warm and fuzzy, but actions are what count, and providing blankets and warm soup to people while you preach your brand of religion to people only goes so far when trying to promote an image. It's simple mathematics. If most people believe in a higher being, then most people who commit crimes against others and nature are by default, believers. So, most "bad" people claim to be religious. As tough as that may seem to accept, it's simple statistics, and there's no lying in mathematics.



You're upset from seeing it in a movie, but not upset that it happens in real life? Bigots are a lot more vocal than other people, so of course they stand out (while the opposite of bigots are labeled as 'lunatic extremist activists', since 'not speaking up' is the norm). There are plenty of non-hateful religious folk in movies of all kinds, but they don't go around praising jesus so you don't notice them (example: in The Mist, most of them were religious, but you only notice the bigoted one). That's how it is in real life as well. As for intelligence, you'll notice that in order to believe supernatural myths are real, you have to be missing some education. Like how the god of thunder makes up for lack of knowledge about a natural phenomenon. The Bible's god makes up for fear of what happens after death, fear that nobody is helping us in life, fear that we can be bad people, feeling of injustice when someone dies young, etc. That's why underdeveloped countries have a higher rate of religion than places like Sweden, where religion is slowly dwindling down because the people there have more comfort in life (the comfort of 'knowing' as well as the degree of life quality). Bluntly, intelligent people will tend not to believe in fables, simply because it makes more sense to focus on evidence-based notions. To me it's more frustrating when religious people are portrayed as the mastermind-type character, because it just feels like they're missing something. If they're so smart, why do they believe in that stuff? Seems unrealistic. Again, same thing happens in real life (which is dumbfounding). Not saying they're fundamentally dumb, but they're definitely choosing not to think through that aspect of their life because it provides them comfort. That may not be the answer you wanted, but I think it's a reasonable one.




I wouldn't say "Beautiful Creatures" was actually anti-Christian; it was just a very bad movie, and the gross generalizations and offensive stereotypes of everyone in the film was pure laziness on the part of the filmmakers. The stereotypes were so over-the-top that it made the movie an unintentionally hilarious genre parody, which is too bad for the source material. "Beautiful Creatures", in the hand of capable people, might have been a pretty good film.


isn't that the hypocrisy that 99.9% of christians are living? i mean acting against everything what the (made up) character jesus christ stood for and said?

"one can be a believer and also be intelligent"
it would not be fair to portray those 50 (globally counted) people to be portrayed as something that occurs often in reality.

most if anti-christianity occurs in pretend-christianity.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


I feel so sorry for you :'(

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Why is it when Christians in movies are seen to act like holier than thou A-holes, all those that talk of things being anti-Christian come out from under their rocks? Those two girls are spot on. Christians are exactly like that, it's only when you hold a mirror up to them in a movie people take offence.

Christians actually act like Christians, or atleast a film where one can be a believer and also be intelligent.

Intelligent believers?!? sorry no such animal exists. People who are intelligent can see religion for what it is, a complete fabrication created to control the masses by creating the dark ages. The Bible was thrown together in accordance with what the ruling clergy deemed was appropriate. Intelligent believers is an oxymoron.

This movie isn't "anti" anything.
