Anti Christian?

I've watched the first part, and so far, and I found it very upsetting. Why is it that whenever I see a film with christians in it, they're alwyas presented as ignorant bigots who have no right to claim Christ as their savior. Just once can I see a hollywood film where Christians actually act like Christians, or atleast a film where one can be a believer and also be intelligent.



Hollywood does stuff that sells and that sells

because the most loudest christians are ignorant bigots....its kinda of a sterotype but most sterotypes have a bit of truth in them

well I have seen Jews that are far worse

lol that's too bad.

But still, you should really understand that Christianity is the most popular religion in the country and the world. It still rules the country and pretty much the world.

just saying. This movie seems really dumb when you think of it that way.

please enlighten us how do christains rule the world?

Perhaps because there are quite a few Christian bigots out there? Gay rights anyone? And besides, you put in a movie about frigging vampires. Were you looking for a spiritual film? LOL

its not just the gentiles against the gays its also the jews

The christians in the film were meant to be creeps because
They thought there were evil creatures out there to get them
But it turned out to be true so why are they the jerks?

Oh no not really since they are not even discussing christianity

its more about closed minded Southerners

Not all Christians are extreme bigots but there are definitely a lot of them. Thanks for stating what so many Christians refuse to admit and that's that they smile at you and talk the most vile hate the second you walk out the door. I have extended family in Mississippi and it blows me away whenever I see them. Grin at you from ear to ear with one hand on the bible and the other grabbing a shotgun to shoot you in the back. It's really very sad. And that's how they treat family. You would die if you heard how they treat people they see as different from their supposed godly way of living.

everybody wants to believe there ways are right

Now here is the kicker so lets pay attention. If you are sitting here with a straight face trying to tell us all that Christians do not attempt to impose their beliefs on others then you are straight lying. You know it and everyone reading this knows it. That is why this country spent so much effort laying out its separation of church and state stance. But throughout history and even today non-believers have to fight tooth and nail to maintain it. If you are not honest enough to admit this then it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation with you. You should go to your corner and pretend to still not understand why some people lash out at Christians

Oh they DO but so does other religions JUDISAM espeically during christmas time

Hunnakah isnt the biggest celebration in the jewish faith its Purim yet they act as though Hunnakah is since it falls near christmas time

Since Jews feel they are excluded from CHristmas

what about muslims and jews don't they believe the same stuff

Oh yeah but Jews project I didnt have anything to do with it!

Even though they were the ones who created the stuff!

Think Meyer Lanksy Leonard Nimoy

In most films you watch, most of the characters are Christians. If the ignorant bigots seem more Christian to you than the nice ones, maybe the problem is with how you view Christians, rather than with Hollywood.

oh its hollywood through and through

Unfortunately, most religious fanatics...are ignorant bigots. And it's gotten to the point that most Christians, are hypocrites, hate filled hypocrites.[/quote]

what about the jews and muslims there perfect

I appreciate that it's your view that christians should be portrayed as loving, kind, giving beings, but, I am here to tell you, most people's experience with religious people is that they believe what they believe, and in no way does it make them a "better" person, though they themselves truly believe they are BETTER people, therefore, if 9 out of 10 times a religious person is portrayed as a self-centered, judgmental, selectively "caring", cheater, thief, evil person etc etc, this aligns closer to reality than your idea of religious people . Yes, teachings usually sound all warm and fuzzy, but actions are what count, and providing blankets and warm soup to people while you preach your brand of religion to people only goes so far when trying to promote an image. It's simple mathematics. If most people believe in a higher being, then most people who commit crimes against others and nature are by default, believers. So, most "bad" people claim to be religious. As tough as that may seem to accept, it's simple statistics, and there's no lying in mathematics.

did you know that jews think there a race and religion?

Granted jews will accept you into there business but what it is a business

I will say this, I was kind of glad they were making fun of them in the movie. I am not anti God or anything, But this is how I see it...

seems like you are

People today (And in movies) seem to be making fun of Christians and make them into stereotypes not just because there are some people like that in real life

yeah and some are nothing like that in the movies some jews are mean people and same are not. Yet we dont get any jewish people in movies that are mean

But because The way I See it is that people are tired and fed up with Christians acting like victims all the time. Christianity rules the country. It is the biggest religion. And it has ruled this place for the last 100 years or more.
hundreds of years ago you would probably die if you talked against God. Religion ruled everything and in some ways still does./quote]

Please tell me how Christains rule the country??

this is going to be RICH

Oh look into Judisam

Oh Religon Does and christains may be big but so are the jews

[quote]Now, Why do we keep hearing about "the War on Christmas"?? or war against prayer in school, war against this, against that. It's like, really? you guys are victims? the religion that rules this place? the religion with the most followers? you guys are in danger or a war against your beliefs?

yeah when has a jew been denied hunnakah there biggest celebration is PURIM not Hunnakah

Jews say they are the minority but what about the jews who no longer pratice Judisam?

To me that's what bothers me, that's what I get annoyed. I do not care who worships who, I do not care what people do in their private lives (Funny I Should say this because the other thing people are fed up is with Christians always acting like that is the one religion that only matters and the only religion that counts, other religions are crazy superstitions somehow) Anyways, I don't think is even about the stereotypical Christians that act like they did in the movie.
It is just overall how they don't realize how big the religion is. How there is not a "war on Christmas, how no one is going to attack you for being a Christian.

are you wearing blinders?

Happy Holidays instead of merry christmas?

Having cups that are non religious in some views of people?

So, People coming to attack this movie for making fun of them, there it is, the victim mentality again....

it happens since one group denies the other groups rights

I've yet to see a Hollywood movie with an openly atheist character that isn't proved wrong, isn't portrayed as an *beep* doesn't convert and survives the movie.

and yet there the strongest people who are against christmas not so much hunnakah

Gabe1972 You've also got to remember, though, that Christians are an often used target because some are very vocal about things, and ridiculously so. How often do you hear about Christians in the media? Usually only when a particular group of them are doing something odd, or even downright crazy.

Plus, portraying Christians in a realistic light in this film wouldn't have worked for the film. And besides, the main Christian was a caster in disguise anyway.

jews are just as vocal and more so but nothing is read up or seen on the media

It is a film about witches. What do you expect? They are their greatest enemy

are you nuts

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA
