MovieChat Forums > I Saw the TV Glow (2024) Discussion > The director was viscerally disgusted by...

The director was viscerally disgusted by 95% of the things they had to do to promote this movie.

They hate capitalism.

Because that’s the world we all live in. … I’m so viscerally disgusted by 95% of the things that I have to do to promote this movie. To operate in these hallowed halls of capitalism and not feel absolutely insane, it requires some kind of taking the red pill. Or privilege-tinted sunglasses.


Interesting comment;

I maybe have trouble with writing nuanced male characters. Let’s keep an eye on that as the work continues. I don’t think of Owen as a man, necessarily. The men in this movie are almost parodies of masculinity.


The more I hear from them the more I dislike them. They have a real pseudo-intellectual vibe. Capitalism this, privilege that, non-normative deez nuts.


Wow. Reading this makes me not want to support this movie


Paying to see this movie would be operating in 'hallowed halls of capitalism'. Something that viscerally disgusts me.


He. He's a man. Singular. They refers to more than one. Don't encourage his delusion.


Jane delivers another scathing blow to cinema's obsession with profit. They're here to change cinema. We have a true artist in our midst.

I’ve been talking a bit about my work as revisionist, in a way. In the same way that there was the classical Western movie—you know, the John Ford of it all—and then 20 years later, when we looked back at those movies, we had complicated feelings about their cultural and political underpinnings. So we had this new wave of revisionist Westerns that were reinterrogating not only the myths of the American West as it had to do with politics and race and gender, but also the form itself and the way that the form was informing a Western myth that still very much was culturally relevant to that day.

I think of my own work as maybe trying to do a similar thing but with a dominant commercial form that started with Spielberg and Lucas and has since grown into the Marvel clusterfuck of contemporary IP. My work is certainly working within those forms and playing with those forms, but is perhaps doing so from a perspective that’s also questioning or suspicious of those forms from inside of them.


You can shit on a canvas and call it “art” but only people who enjoy shit on a canvas will call it art.


Yet he/she/it would no doubt suck on the dick of capitalism if money starting pouring in.

But he/she/it knows he/she/it’s film won’t make money so he/she/it pretends to hate capitalism because they’re a “fartist”


Well, here's a movie I'll never watch.


I SAW THE TV GLOW is officially playing in theaters in NY and LA!!!

I want to be frank with u, plz buy tickets and tell ur friends to do the same. i really want the movie to make a bunch of money bc it'll make it easier for me to convince cis ppl to keep letting me do this shit

Viscerally disgusted.
