Times when Ricky is wrong

There have been a few times Ricky has been wrong and Karl is right. One of those is when Karl asked what the creatures are called in Gremlins, he did of course mean what is their real name, and that is Mogwai, I think only the film was called Gremlins rather than the creatures official name.

Secondly I use a steady noise to help me sleep, and it does work. I need a fan or some sort of steady noise to help me sleep. It does work where as Ricky says it doesn't.

There have been many other times too. Any you can think of ?


Just saw this on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-HQz5hfdOM

When Ricky is wrong and Steve calls him on it, and you can hear how excited Karl gets. So unlike him and so funny.

I strongly advise you not to ask a direct question.
It might provoke a direct answer.


One time that irked me is when Ricky is telling Karl some various "facts" that he claims to have verified for authenticity. Ricky tells Karl that sharks are immune to cancer. Not only is this just an urban legend that has been disproven, but when Karl asks Ricky how they've discovered this, Ricky replies that he doesn't know. This is exactly the sort of thing that Ricky constantly ridicules Karl for -- looking into a news story that may or may not be true, reading only the first part, and just ignoring the rest. You would think that if Ricky was going to provide Karl with this fact, he would have at least researched further into it.

Ricky always claims to be an expert on animals, but from listening to the show all he really seems to know are various pieces of trivia about certain animals, and even then he often gets the trivia wrong.

I agree that no one is perfect and everyone gets some things wrong, but Ricky seems to think that he is infallible when it comes to knowledge, and he thinks he's a lot smarter than he really is. The fact that he studied philosophy at college does not convince me that he's smart; I don't know what sort of grades he received, but it is possible to graduate college with mediocre grades, so the fact that someone attended college isn't impressive by itself.


but Ricky seems to think that he is infallible when it comes to knowledge, and he thinks he's a lot smarter than he really is.

^This. I read somewhere that calling yourself smart is about as bad as giving yourself a nickname. I completely agree with that.

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul.


Ricky slamming Karl for saying a lighthouse keeper would switch on the light at nighttime has totally bugged me ever since I heard it, to the point where I went and looked into it further to see if I was missing something, because it seemed like such an obvious mistake. Why did Ricky think the light would be on all day?
After Steve picked him up on it, he kept insisting he was right because the light has to be on in the fog. True enough, but it wouldn't have to be on every day, so the analogy could still stand.

I agree with whoever it was upthread who was talking about whether or nor your internal voice is in your own accent. Ricky gave Karl a huge serve for going around talking to himself in full sentences in his head, when most people can manage to think on a conceptual level, while I sat there listening feeling like an idiot, because I know *I* often "think in sentences". I also thought Karl was making a decent point with his "Do you control your brain or does it control you" discussion, although the way he phrased it did sound so ridiculous that it was hard to take seriously.

I think Ricky dismisses a lot of things Karl says, when really Karl just didn't articulate it very well, but the point he's trying to make may well be correct. But fair play, that's what makes the comedy, doesn't it?


The one big error Ricky made was from the XFM shows when he tried to explain how the Hindenburg disaster happened. He suggested that it was due to the thiness of the material rather than any thing to do with flammability of hydrogen and that the same result would have occured had the gas been Helium (an inert gas)!. Made me laugh as much at Ricky as I do at Karl. Still think the 3 of them cannot be surpassed for comedy value, though.


I think the time I got angry at Ricky for just ripping it out of Karl for an idea that Karl has thought up was the "Glasses that create your own world based on your personality."

For anyone that doesn't know Ricky got Karl to list a bunch of inventions he thinks should be invented. Karl came up with a pair of glasses for one idea. These glasses when put onto your eyes would take what environment is around you and make the environment look completely different based on who you were. Karl used an example of a street-wise kid who likes graffiti. Normally a kid would see a normal Building. When the kid puts the glasses on the building is now covered in graffiti based on the kids tastes.

Ricky slammed this idea, calling Karl an idiot and that it wasn't possible. From the tape it doesn't sound like Ricky fully understands what Karl is talking about and that the glasses would remove or add objects instead of just "covering" then with new textures.

Anyway...this kind of technology is being developed as we speak. Infact some of the HTC android phones are able to do this at a VERY basic level. I can't remember what it is called but the technology developers want you to be able to hold your camera up at a wall, use your fingers to either leave a message or a note from yourself upon the wall without actually doing anything to the wall. The phone will remember to show this message next time the camera is pointed at the wall. This exactly what Karl was talking about!!!

Its also an insanely brilliant idea.


Just watched the newest episode and had to come on here for precisely this reason. Specifically, Ricky talks about the crossbow being a much superior weapon to the longbow and that we got left behind in warfare because we were resistant to it.

From my history, I'm fairly certain that when the crossbow was popularised and England was at perpetual war with France (the 100 Year's War) we won many early decisive victories for the exact opposite reason. Circa 12th Century the French had completely rejected the longbow seeing it as a peasant's weapon. It was in fact, with practice, which the average man would have a lot of (every Sunday without fail), far superior to the crossbow because of reloading times, accuracy, and distance. The crossbow's main plus point is that you didn't have to be particularly skilled to use it. England's victories in the battles of Crecy and Agincourt was partially due to perserverence with the longbow and the French rejecting it.

Crossbows also didn't replace longbows. They were used to compliment each other by both skilled and lesser skilled archers until the invent of gunpowder.

This is what I remember from history lessons as a moderately educated guy; may have got it wrong in places. I think Ricky is exactly the same, but he says it with such gusto and conviction that it drowns out sensible debate (much like his constant unprovoked attacks against religion).

I love this show, love most of RG's output, but there are moments like this where I just shake my head and it spoils the enjoyment because there is no need for him to prove how intelligent he is. He is moderately intelligent, not a genius.


Stick to reality TV. As with most people in this thread, the fact that this is a show, done for the sake to sell and make money, everything he says does not necessarily reflect what he may think, or at least not to the same degree.

As for his 'unprovoked' attacks against religions, there is no such thing. People like it, he says it, call it a day. Don't like it? There's probably not something clicking in your head that should have as a child.


people have to remember that these topics are off the fly discussions. the content is remarkable. even in the xfm years which was way mote candid and not as organized as the Guide Too's. These men are brilliant. They are geniuses. just to be able to present this material in such a way.


I watched an episode recently where Karl said Tutankhamun dies after "coming off a chariot" and hurting his leg.
Ricky and Stephen were cracking up and taking the piss out of this but I remember seeing a pretty recent documentary where the scientists and doctors conducting the examinations concluded something very similar although of course they did not say he "came off a chariot" (lol) but I am sure they said he could have had a bad injury from a chariot accident, while out hunting for example.
I just checked Wiki too and it says:

"Although there is some speculation that Tutankhamun was assassinated, the consensus is that his death was accidental. A CT scan taken in 2005 shows that he had badly broken his leg shortly before his death, and that the leg had become infected. DNA analysis conducted in 2010 showed the presence of malaria in his system. It is believed that these two conditions (malaria and leiomyomata) combined, led to his death."

So, I think this is yet another case where Karl was on to something (I reckon he saw the same docu as I did) ad Ricky and Stephen knew less than Karl but took it for granted he was wrong.


On the very first episode Ricky is wrong about the space monkey. There's an episode of Mysteries at the Museum about it. The monkey didn't launch the craft and the bananas were just banana flavored pellets, and they didn't send it to the moon, nor did the monkey commit suicide afterwards, but everything was completely true.


So basically, almost nothing of what was told was true.

Ricky is a very smart man, and compared to other programmes specifically regarding this or that subject, they don't prepare for the subjects that come up at XFM/The Ricky Gervais show at all. Ricky is indeed very knowledgeabe, and his few mistakes is a drop in the ocean. He genuinely surprised me, he knows a heck of a lot about most things.


When Gervais said you`re your thoughts/memories and Pilko said he`s seperate from his brain or something along those lines. I agree with Karl, you`re not your thoughts/memories, they`re something you have, they belong to you, you`re aware of them, they disapear with time, but you remain. Karl was tapping some into intuitive and introspective thinking and Gervais was being a bit of a dismissive narrow minded rational robot.


There is another one where Karl talks about how a head can stay alive for a while after it has been decapitated. Ricky and Steven immediately shout him down about it.
Ok, Karl has obviously got some of the details wrong, for example, he seems to think that scientists have performed an experiment that included cutting off a living person's head, but the main thrust of Karl's point i.e. that a decapitated head can remain alive for a while (I think he says 20-30 seconds) is correct.
The brain survives as long as there is oxygen getting to it and there is a small amount of oxygen left in the blood of the decapitated head/brain.
There are several verified reports of the lips and eyes moving on heads decapitated by the Guillotine in the French Revolution and many other reports of victims finishing a prayer after decapitation. These post decapitation episodes are very short of course, as the oxygen soon runs out but yet again, Karl is definitely on to something here but is instantly derided for it.


Karl says after a guillotine execution a body walked for 30 seconds along a white line. Yeah, he was wrong, and stupid. Hence why he was derided for it.


i know this is an old post but gremlins arent Mogwai.. mogwai's become Gremlins. theyre two separate things. like a catepillar becoming a butterfly.. but i suppose that was still what Karl wanted to know, just the way he asked it came out wrong.


They're only Mogwai before they change. They turn into Gremelins when they eat after midnight.


I think that Ricky's role in the show is not to be the accurate one, I think his role is to press Karl to justify his opinions. Karl could say that Water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, and Ricky would find a way to press Karl into saying something stupid about it.

Do Ditko inks make my hips look fat?
