MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > The scene with Oppenheimer's wife being ...

The scene with Oppenheimer's wife being interrogated

The way they presented her as almost getting the upper hand on her interrogator all of a sudden, making him look silly with her wit and skilful responses. Reminded me of Marisa Tomei's character in My Cousin Vinny. Was it really like this or just some sort of 'girl power' moment? What was that all about?


We don't know, because we know almost nothing about her.

That is one of the problems of the movie. Too many characters, and most of them we know next to nothing about.


Hell, this was supposed to be a "biopic", yet we barely even know what makes Oppenheimer tick. He's brilliant (*cue chalkboard equations and brooding genius shots*)! But he's kinda a communist maybe, and you should definitely feel sorry for him losing his clearance... because he's kinda a good guy after all, maybe, and Strauss bad.

3 hours long, yet everything is so fast-paced it just skims across the surface of these characters, and they end up feeling like puppets being placed around for the sake of an already-thin plot (which was cobbled together in a way that makes it seem way more complex than it actually is).

Shame, because the acting overall was quite good.


I agree about the too many characters. Watching this for the first time yesterday I was struck by the number of characters it suddenly brought into the picture and didn't really introduce them or develop them. No wonder they decided on flashbacks to reference certain characters mentioned later, it's cause they knew we'd never remember who they were or what they looked like.
