Spotted HUGE mistake

at the beginning of the movie Oppenheimer giving a lecture at the university of Leiden was some part i was looking forward to if they would put it in that movie. that man was a brainy genius knowing i believe 7 languages.
he crash coursed dutch in just a few weeks so he could give that lecture in dutch.

in the movie they're confirming he tried to speak dutch, but he was actually talking GERMAN(=Deutch)!!!! Dutch (Nederlands) is the language of the neighbor countries The Netherlands and Belgium (northern part) these are 2 veeery different languages, related sure, but more like far distant cousins, not like close siblings British and American English. what an epic out of proportion mistake for a production of this magnitude that clearly did shot tons of research.

regardless,great movie!


A bigger mistake is that your favorite scene between Oppenheimer and Einstein never happened.


Yes that was an odd scene. Took me out of the film for a few minutes. He'd learned Dutch in a few weeks so he could give the lecture in their native tongue then started speaking German, wtf was that all about?


How about the fact that they detonated the bomb in the middle of the night and then Oppenheimer runs outside the bunker and suddenly it's broad daylight with everyone hootin' and hollerin' and celebrating their success?


You're incorrect about this.

The bomb went off at 5:30am (both in movie and real life). Sunrise on that day was 6:01am

They show the bomb at night. They show them coming out of the bunker at twilight. They then show everyone meeting up and cheering together at dawn/early morning. This was all very accurate.


The bomb went off in pitch black darkness but they were still that gung-ho about its success 30 minutes later when the sun was up in the sky? Yea, I don't think so. They were celebrating as if it had JUST happened.


Watch the sequence again. The bomb goes off at 5:30am which is 30 minutes before sunrise, and thus dark (up until 1:58:31). You see them emerge from the bunker Oppenheimer is in at twilight (Oppenheimer gets a hug from the guy saying he owes him $10) and the celebrating at the end is when the whole team has arrived together at dawn (1:58:50). This is absolutely *perfect* timing to historical accuracy in terms of sun time (screen time is obviously condensed).

At no point in the sequence was it "broad daylight" or "sun up in the sky". Take a look at the long shadows in the cheering shots. It's clearly dawn.


Ah okay, I'll take your word for it because I already deleted the movie off my hard drive. Once was enough!
