Saw it. It was OK

- Despite the Foo Fighters not being good actors, Dave Grohl actually did a decent job.
- Pretty good kills and way gorier than expected
- Throwback to these type of horror comedies/band movies from the 70's and 80's
- More of the jokes hit than missed. Very self aware of what kind of movie it is.

-Way too long at almost 2 hours. Really could feel it starting to drag towards the end
- As mentioned before, the Foo Fighters are not good actors and it's really hard not to notice sometimes
- Third act was a bit weak
- Almost no music from the Foo Fighters

Overall, I'd say it's worth a watch if you're a Foo Fan, but not something you need to go see in the theater.


Acting doesn't seem like much of a drawback to me. Like you said, this looks like kind of a throwback to things like KISS's movie and that movie Ozzy Ozbourne did in the 80s. That kind of thing. As long as its entertaining and funny at times, that's the important thing with this kind of movie.

OK is better than I was expecting, though, and I like Dave Grohl. He seems like a good dude. Some of the Foo Fighters music is good, too. I'll probably check it out at some point.


Better or worse than Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park???


MUCH better. Pretty good production. Over the top gore and it was very funny. I'd watch it again.


Good to hear. I heard some initial reports that it wasn't much good, but I've been hearing better lately.


Production was higher than the story warranted. Biggest issue was the gore was over the top and effects sometimes let it down compared to the rest of the production values.


I'm really enjoying it. We're an hour in and I'm loving the vibe.

It's fun.
The acting is as you said, but works considering the sense of humor.
