WTF Happened to the baby?!?

I just got done watching the movie and just wanted to know WTF happened to the baby? It looked to me like the lady gave birth to it and then kicked the baby under the gas pedal and then stomped on it. IS that what happened? Did she act like she was dead, then get up and run as she starts to give birth to get away from this mad man just to give birth to her baby to kill it? Please let me know what happened, and what your thoughts on the scene was. If that is what happened then that lady is the dumbest movie character in movie history, and Tom Six wins my award for making the dumbest scene in movie history, and I have watched a lot of dumb movies.


Accelerator, not gas pedal. This is a British film.

Of course she did not deliberately kill the baby, she was desperate to escape.


I figured she had pain, panic and fear all going at the same time that she didn't even realize or forgot about the baby on the floor and went on pure instinct to get away from him. That scene did shock me (as well as the others) because I know as a mother I would have picked the baby right up the moment it exited my body. But, at the same time, if I had gone through what she did, I probably would have been moving on instinct as well.



"If that is what happened then that lady is the dumbest movie character in movie history, and Tom Six wins my award for making the dumbest scene in movie history, and I have watched a lot of dumb movies."

Right on. It is one of the worst scenes in what is one of the worst movie ever made. It was just disgusting, disturbing and Tom Six should be castrated and shouldn't have the right to make any other movies. (And I am godamn serious) and yes, she was a dumb fucking bitch, I just wished Martin cought her and decapitated her for that.
