WTF Happened to the baby?!?

I just got done watching the movie and just wanted to know WTF happened to the baby? It looked to me like the lady gave birth to it and then kicked the baby under the gas pedal and then stomped on it. IS that what happened? Did she act like she was dead, then get up and run as she starts to give birth to get away from this mad man just to give birth to her baby to kill it? Please let me know what happened, and what your thoughts on the scene was. If that is what happened then that lady is the dumbest movie character in movie history, and Tom Six wins my award for making the dumbest scene in movie history, and I have watched a lot of dumb movies.


Maybe it was just the *beep* effect but the baby looked still stillborn to me. I don't recall hearing any crying durning the child's birth.

So is harming new born babies going to be the next trend in these purpose to shock horror movies?


OK. I am seriously missing something here. I just watched the scene again after reading some of the replies to your post and saw NO evidence whatsoever of the infanticide,implied or explicit, accidental or otherwise. The version I saw goes from showing the birth and slip to the floor,to an outside shot of the car reversing away from Martin really fast.


Just remember the most scared you've ever been in your life, those of you who have suffered from panic attacks etc will know... in that moment the vision goes blurry, your hearts beating too fast, you cant get a single normal thought in your head except escaping. Fight or flight time... In that situation she would have been so panicked by the messed up situation that i would've been surprised if she realised or felt the baby coming out. Just lock, gas pedal escape. Maybe it would have made more sense if she crashed before she could get away...


You need to see the UNCUT version !!! That one has the extra 2 or 3 minutes that had to be removed in order for the film not be banned in the UK. I've only seen the uncut one, so I have no idea exactly what parts were taken out but I read that the killing of the baby was definitely one of them.

After she gives birth there's a quick shot of her kicking the baby to one side, presumably to get it out of the way so she can hit the accelerator. Then she finally gets the car to start and you see another quick shot of her crushing something under the pedal in her panic to escape. I presume it was the head of the baby but I couldn't really tell.



What? She miscarried the baby--it was dead on arrival. You can tell, because she was gushing blood between her legs in spurts as she ran to the car. She suffered a lot of trauma and was unconscious for a long time.


No the baby was definately crying when it hit the floor. At least it wasnt a toilet baby



That was--by far--the best part of this film. She was so screwed up from the experience that she tossed maternal instinct out the window in favor of self-preservation. She could see and hear the baby was alive, but she just kicked it out of the way and floored it, effectively crushing his head.

Tom Six: Sure, I'll let you escape the scenario, but you gotta butcher your own young.


It might've been even better if she killed the baby to try and get away but still ended up getting caught. All that effort and zero turn out.


a horrid mother. a true mom would kill herself so that her child may love. pathetic woman


I don't think she was thinking about what she was doing, it was just an accident.

I may be thinking to much, but I thought it was kind of a metaphor because she escaped with her life, but like the baby her life is forever destroyed.

"Why don't you write an anti-glacier book instead?" - Harrison Starr


I don't think the mother noticed she pushed the baby towards the gas pedal. She killed it purely on accident. To me, this was the only gross scene in a movie that was beyond stupid. The rest was boring and lame.

I love you guys... eh, screw you guys.


Did the baby actually die?

Idea for Human Centipede 4 - the baby, now a fully grown, mentally retarded migdet, kidnaps a bunch of people and creates a 100 person centipede using some duct-tape and a butter knife.



it got squished... so fake looking, had to rewind and laugh...


Well movies aren't real, so...

