
Why does the status quo insist on pretending its rebelling against anything?


It's a war against those they hate, those they want dead.

The Right.
US Republicans.


It's more than that, though--

Heterosexual white males who aren't ashamed of their own libidos
Anyone who thinks free speech is a good idea
Anyone who think for themselves
Anyone who knows about any history before five minutes ago
Anyone who questions the media or international corporations
Anyone who sees what a sham the U.S. government is

What we're actually seeing is a war against knowledge, intelligence, industriousness, discipline, and honor. The lazy and the stupid have taken over. I'm a recovering leftist, and I can assure you, my attraction to that cult in my youth was based entirely on my desire to do nothing productive with my life or the world. Thank God I grew up.


Cast Greta Thunberg as the new James Bond. Make it happen!
