MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Does The Commonwealth Make Sense?

Does The Commonwealth Make Sense?

Countless communities struggling, falling, descending into chaos, murder, and even canibalism.

But a society of 50 thousand (is that right?) are plodding along and have been for years.

It doesn't really make sense. It feels like the show has traveled back in time to justify such a community still existing in such a prosperous way. I get they want to play around with politics in the show, but the Commonwealth just doesn't seem very realistic.


"Realistic" went out of the window when dead people came back to life and started eating folks.

But in seriousness, on the laundry list of fundamental conceptual errors, the Commonwealth is way, Way, WAY down at the bottom. It's not at all unrealistic that there are *several* such communities on the planet. But zombies with superhuman bite strength? Stealth walkers? Supply shortages? Breathtakingly rapid Military breakdown? No knowledge of how the virus works, WELL into the series?

Nah. This show has much, Much bigger problems than the Commonwealth.


Given that every other group is insane, hostile, or desperate, the Commonwealth seems entirely incongruent.

As for the most unrealistic thing in this show, that would be the fact that we're supposed to pretend that women would be anything other than fuck meat in this world.


I semi-disagree. It's not an accident that many strong leaders were also leaders before the virus. Pam was an experienced politician. Deanna Monroe was a congresswoman. Jadis was a teacher. Rick was a sheriff. Abraham was an army sergeant.

Another issue is that most humans are followers. In a scary world where government is destroyed, people will look for strongman, aka:populist, type leader. Strong personalities like Alpha and Negan would thrive. A society like Oceanside makes sense to insulate themselves from becoming "f meat".

I agree that most of the leaders would likely be male, only if they survived. Would men outlive women in that environment?


It doesn’t make sense that the Commonwealth has had no contact with the Alliance of Three or the Civic Republic (200,000 strong), at least not that we know of. Maybe we’ll find out more after the Rick spinoff launches.


This brings up another question I have regarding the timelines between where TWD is now & where FTWD is now. Are the two shows timelines parallel now, or is FTWD still behind? And either way, wouldn't the Commonwealth know about all the nukes going off in Texas by now?


Didn't something similar happen in reality? One of the worst punishments in Ancient Rome was banishment because most of the outside's societies were hostile, wild and dangerous.

The Commonwealth is headed by an experienced politician who knows how to lead, manipulate, organize, and motivate large groups of people. She would know how to create a functioning municipality with a military, medical facilities, Capitalism to inspire hard work.

A few societies like the Commonwealth should still thrive if they had good leadership and organized around defense early into the Apocalypse.


I wonder if the 45 minute Submarine extra with Nick Stahl will be on the new Fear The Walking Dead DVD release this year?
Shut the door, Mary
