Rick Grimes - The Movie?

The Walking Dead‘s ninth season is about to wrap up, meaning we’ll have to say goodbye to the flagship series of the franchise for a few months. But the good thing is that 2019 will prove to be a great one for Twd fans. As well as a confirmed tenth season and Fear the Walking Dead‘s fifth run, there’s also Andrew Lincoln’s upcoming movie trilogy in the works.

Lincoln might have exited Twd for good back in November, but that won’t be the last we’ll see of Rick Grimes. Following the gravely-injured Rick’s abduction by Jade, being taken away via helicopter to pastures new, these movies will reveal what happened to him after leaving behind his friends and family and why he never returned (as we know from the show’s 6-year time jump).



I am pretty skeptical that Rick Grimes with his exaggerated Southern drawl will be able to carry a whole movie, or that the TWD audience will appreciate selfish ham Andrew Lincoln going off and dumping everyone else who make his acting career so he can do some BS solo movie.

The lady's name was Jadis.


It sounded from the exchanges between Jadis and the mysterious guy on the radio that they were going to a highly organized and probably very big place where the masses toiled so the elite running things could live large - like the Sanctuary but on a bigger scale. I'm guessing Rick is going to be their William Wallace. What do you think?


Mel Gibson ... I sure hope not! ;-)

I don't know ... I forget now, but there were two types of people or something? Do you know what that was all about? In the show they have plenty of time to develop their plots, but in a movie it will be so squeezed for time. I'm not expecting much and I don't want to pay for it, that is for sure. TWD has wasted everyone's time with episode after episode of boring nonsense. I don't like the idea of splitting off to become a movie, just to make more money for guys who have treated their faithful audience like schmucks.


They were A and B, I think. No information provided on what that meant. Rick's being injured might be what turned him from an A to a B. Someone they have to sink resources into first, maybe? Like Grady Memorial where Beth was taken. My impression was that they're collecting people for use as labor.

There have to be more or less intact cities somewhere in North America, where the local authorities made all the right decisions when the federal government collapsed. Of course the longer a state of emergency was in place the more corrupt and iron fisted those politicians would become (they're sleazy enough even without the apocalypse). Imagine the Governor or Negan lording over, say, the walled city of Chicago. Something like that is where Rick is headed. That's my personal prediction. The only way helicopters could still be in the air is if they're building and/or repairing them, not to mention refining fuel. Any gasoline or aviation fuel from before the world went to hell has long since degraded and become useless.


Helicopters do not have the range to go from Chicago to Virginia and back. I would expect it would be a military base or one of those places they evacuate the big shots to when there is a military threat to the country. We don't seem to need and emergency for our politicians to become corrupt, we just need a psychopathic aristocracy.


I didn't say it was going to be Chicago. Just giving an example. And you could make a trip like that, if you set up way stations with fuel caches in various locations to extend your range. But it's more likely somewhere closer; the Norfolk-Newport News area would be perfect, the military base already has cordons and with the regional HQ of the Army Corps of Engineers also located in Norfolk you'd have the resources to wall off the city on the landward side.

Military leaders severed from the chain of command could certainly become tyrants. It could also be that they see their mission as keeping human civilization and the United States of America from slipping away, by any means necessary - if that means forcing some people into effective slavery for a while then so be it.


> if that means forcing some people into effective slavery for a while then so be it.

I agree with what you are saying, but in the back of my mind I kind of feel that silly TV shows like this fill in the mental spaces of the not too bright and habituate to thinking in kind of cartoons terms about the world. Fill the country up with people like that, de-fund the public schools, feed them fake FOX News, and who knows what could happen in the real world ... maybe someone like Donald Trump gets elected President someday? ;-)


How far of a time jump was it between Rick's death (disappearance) and the current Whisperer's story line?


About six years.


It’s not going to be a wide-release theatrical movie, if theatrical at all. It’s only two episodes back to back. TWD is king of filler.


where did you hear that?


Nowhere, just an assumption. I meant that a movie is the equivalent in length to two episodes so it’s not a difficult feat to create a movie.


Movies are structured differently than TV episodes. Kinda like taking a plane (or helicopter) versus taking a bus.


Well, he was taking a helicopter.


I’m pretty sure Asylum has an annual bus pass.
