MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > I am back at season 1, just for the fun ...

I am back at season 1, just for the fun of it.

The Walking Dead has now been around long enough to create a certain nostalgia for its earlier runs. And I am enjoying it just as much this time around. Allow me to present some relevant (and a few irrelevant) opinions about the beginnings of this great show.

I am so happy that Ed was the first in the camp to be killed. That did my heart some good.

Though Andrea was such a hated character, she had SOME likable qualities. And Laurie Holden was one hell of an actress. Andrea was supposed to be hated, and was therefore one of the best acted characters on the show.

I didn't hate Lori as much as everyone else did.

Coral was a cuter kid than he was a teen.

I miss Dale and wish he would have stayed through like he was supposed to.

Shane needs to switch teams and call me. Jim too.

Battling the dead creates a greater suspense than the living battling each other.

I LIKE mint leaves in my lemonade. I also like fresh baked cookies and chocolate pudding.

I think Carol is the most developed character in the entire series.

People look better with short hair and both eyeballs, present and forward.


I wish Dale stayed longer too.

I would have really liked to see how is holier-than-thou liberal ass would have fared against the real world. At Hershel's farm he was having a really easy apocalypse and his major concerns were fixing the RV and sticking his nose in other people's business.

Andrea was generally unlikeable, but she had room for improvement. I wish she stayed too. Then again, the deaths of the major characters sometimes work against the story.


Oh I never knew how Dale's character played out, since I never read the graphic novels. I only know how and when he died.


I'm no fan of the comics. Quite the contrary in fact. I just skim through them online out of curiosity, to see how much different is the show. IIRC comics Dale was less obnoxious than TV Dale.

I really would've liked to see TV Dale's development, when he died he wasn't ready to become a survivor and he was never really put to test, so plenty of dramatic possibilities there. Pity Jeffrey DeMunn decided to go and pity the production said no when he changed his mind.


I think it is so weird how the extreme right wing goobers are so hot to focus on anything as fast as they can and call it Liberal that they judge people in TV shows and call for their deaths.


I think is so weird that someone that doesen't know a single thing about someone else feels free to pass judgement on him and to make wild assumptions based on his own prejudices.

By the way, I was lamenting Dale's early demise, but I guess you just stopped reading at holier-than-thou liberal and thought it was time to get offended instead of reading the post.

Newsflash for you: I despise right wing goobers nearly as much as liberal left wing nutters. So there...


Well, you said this:

> I would have really liked to see how [h]is holier-than-thou liberal ass would have fared against the real world.

That is what makes you a right-wing goober, and yes I knew something about you when you wrote that, enough to call classify you a goober. Now I know you are a self-hating goober, and very sensitive about it too.

You also say I might have not gotten to the part where you said you lamented his early demise, but this was your first line:

> I wish Dale stayed longer too.

So, that makes no sense either. That is what makes right-wingers goobers. You chronically say insulting and provocative things and don't think about what you sound like, or any rationality behind them. Then you lash out when the inevitable comes.

Now, what did I say in my comment that makes you think I am a left-wing nutter. I am a Liberal and I do not like hearing constant slights about Liberalism when the right-wing has this country in a fix and is making it worse.

By the way, you might take note and check out a pretty interesting documentary called "The Brainwashing Of My Dad".


No, that makes me somebody that is fed up by the self-righteous attitude of people that lives in a binary world where you are either on the left or on the right. People that find liberals annoying are not automatically right wingers, you know... there's something called middle ground.

So far, the sensitive one that feels the need to try to insult a nobody on the internet because... reasons is you. You wrote: "I am a Liberal and I do not like hearing constant slights about Liberalism", so you are the sensitive one, not me. I couldn't care less. I'm just curious to see where are you going with this.

It doesen't make sense to you. It's OK. I found Dale's attitude very annoying and yet he made for an interesting character. Sue me.

Me lashing out? Where? Oh, I get it, you are looking for a fight...

"Now, what did I say in my comment that makes you think I am a left-wing nutter"
I wasn't talking about you specifically. I'm sorry you did take it personally, but it's not really my fault.

"when the right-wing has this country in a fix and is making it worse."
Sorry, I'm not American and I couldn't care less about your internal politics or problems. I already have enough of what happens in my own Country to worry about you guys.

I will try to find it on the internet, sounds interesting, thanks.


There is much nonsense in you, you really pile on flip-flopping on the facts but steady with the trolling.


Stammi bene.


Glad you're gaining some great new perspective.

I do hate Lori, then and now. All that damn angst she put upon Rick was just too much.
Both she and Shane just wouldn't / didn't fit in with the other characters.

Ed dying was SWEET!! and the way he was eaten alive, great!!

Dale was an a**hole. Was sick of his devil's advocate crap all the time.

The Walkers were so much more relevant and interesting then.

I guess I can agree that Carol is the most changed.


I never hated Lori, the comments on IMDB about killing her off is a real indicator of how much America hates women.

I liked Dale too, and now I see him all over the place. He is the father in Billions, and bit parts of him show up all over now that I can recognize him.

The biggest problem with me is that they keep talking about these moral dilemmas, but they never really resolve anything or do what they say. Also, the show is just bitter and negative now. What, it's been years though and these walkers are still walking around ... does that make sense. There needs to be something evolving and changing in the story's world.

If you started at Season 1, remember how fast the walkers used to be, they could even climb ladders too and bust open doors. They just make the walkers do whatever they want to suit their silly plots now. The older seasons were better.

I don't really buy Carol, with that schizophrenic Susie-Homemaker Zombie-Killer personality.

Why do they keep that Gregory idiot around? He is like the Dr. Smith in Lost In Space, just someone to cause trouble and blame. And whatever happens doesn't ever make sense anymore.


Actually the Dale actor was on all the time before , too, as he is a great character actor. Dale was always crying about "moral this, moral that"🙄

As for the Walkers, yes, you are right about the early ones, walking faster, climbing stairs, opening knobs , etc. I guess the reasoning now is that so much time has passed that they are terribly decomposing by now. Most people died early on ,in the immediate ZA.

Carol used to be a hoot, but she is being supplanted with an unrecognizable persona these days. All to prop up Ezekial.

Oh, Gregory! Cannot stomach him. I don't even find him humorous. Just wish he was off the show, along with JDM.


> the reasoning now is that so much time has passed that they are terribly decomposing by now. Most people died early on

Reasoning ... to this show? ;-)

But doesn't that apply to only the very old rotted out walkers ... not the newly turned? There is not consistency in this show except it consistently does what it wants, just to be stupid it seems sometimes.



Yes, lack of reasoning now for sure. I doubt there are many "newly turned". Human live people seem to have the hang of dispatching the walkers.

Yes, I dislike JDM very much.
