MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Could this show survive with out Rick?

Could this show survive with out Rick?

I was thinking earlier. I think he is the ONLY character that the show can't kill off, unless they end it too, of course.
I can't see it working with out him. As much as I love Michone, Daryll, Negan, the show would go on with out them, but I think it would all fall apart with out Rick.



NO!!!! I wouldn't watch this show if Rick died. He is my favorite character!


I tend to agree Carjones
But it kind of weakens things since they should ALL be constantly on the chopping block...
Still...i think Rick and Carl are safe forever...


True, but I just can't imagine the show going on w/o Rick. It could survive Carl and Judith dying, but not Rick. He's been our entry point into this world. It's really his story we're following.

I must say I am a fan who doesn't really want the main characters dying. LOL! I know that makes for "bad tv," but I just love our peeps and don't want to see them dead though I know some must die! I can only cross my fingers that none of my faves go (Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carol, Ezekiel)!


True talk!!
The original Atlanta crew is nearly extinct and that sucks
Oh of the dead and all ;)
See you next season buddy...cant wait!


Yup. LOL :-)


Rick isn't even my favorite character....probably never has been.
But in my opinion...yeah...the show would suffer greatly from his absence. I mean suffer more than it already has by some instances of subpar writing and plotting.
The thing some people might not consider is how long it takes a new character to really take hold...if ever. The mystery of the combination of charisma and chemistry is something that creators of all media never quite solve until time tells the tale. So you never really know what will work until it does work.

It's not like they can just throw some new characters into the mix and just hold their breath. Even the older established characters take a season or 3 to get our attention. Consider Michonne or Sasha or Abraham. Michonne has become one of my favorites but it took several seasons..And Sasha and Abraham had probably been on there 3 or 4 before they really worked for me. And then they had to die, of course.
And then there's the Tara's and the Jesus and the like. I like them ok but would barely notice if they weren't there anymore.

And all this is not to mention that Rick is our gateway to the apocalypse in the first place. It has been his journey all along whether you like him or not. He's likely to die but he's also not likely to die until close to the end...And rebooting without him...and other familiar characters, would be a different show and how often that doesn't work is pretty clear if you look around at other shows. It just doesn't tend to work.

