MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > Forget the Feminism and Propaganda. Lets...

Forget the Feminism and Propaganda. Lets talk about how stupid, dumb and retard the plot is.

Why would a Doll be affected by what its owners feels. A owner they can't even see. And when she goes to the real world. Somehow the FBI and Mattel know that Barbie has entered the real world. Why because she said her name was Barbie. You know there real people who name is Barbie. Even if she said she was the Barbie Doll. Why would they believe her, instead of assuming she crazy. I also notice that the Horrible "Real" World L.A.. Dosn't have any Homeless encampments.

So Ken just tells the Barbies that Men are Awesome and they just go along with it for No Reason. No fuss at all. This is suppose to show how bad the Kens are. But not how F**ing brain dead the Barbies are. Then Lantio lady tells the Barbies how awesome they are. Than somehow there unbrainwash. Even tho all he did was tell them how awesome men are and they believed it. Then Kens fight each other because the Barbies manipulate then in the most obviously way possible. Manipulating Men, a well known positive treat of women. As that going on. Barbie get power back and everything right in Barbie land or whatever. Then Baribie goes to get her new vagina checked out in the Oppressive New World she decided to live in.

I think this might be the worst movie i have seen in 2023. I can't believe people expect me to root for Barbie, this sapid 1 Dimensional Character. I feel like it was written by a bitter 9 year old girl. Who is mad that there wasn't enough female G.I. Joes. I think if you think this is on the same Level as Citizen Kane, 12 Angry Men, Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List, even the Dark Knight. You are high on Crack Cocaine. Probably Pink Crack Cocaine. And im willing to bet that Oppenheimer is 1000 times better. Because Nolan is a Director who likes to tell interesting story instead of just preachy at his audience. Maybe Greta could try that next time. I don't care how much this movie makes. Its Crap.


Yeah, there are lots of flaws in the storytelling and things that don't fit with the characters.


Well, were you expecting a deep and inventive plot? This is a Barbie movie, for goodness sake. It was meant to be nothing but pure, relentless fluff. And sure, the plot was stupid, but it was expected.


If this is the worst movie you've ever seen, I count you blessed. There are soo many terrible flicks. Slay Bells, killjoy 1, Blood Rayne, femalien 4, Catwoman, Spiral, Zombie Ass Toilet of the dead, Human Centipede 3, Black Christmas 2019, etc.
