MovieChat Forums > Fantastic Four (2015) Discussion > At least the 2005 and the 2007 sequel fe...

At least the 2005 and the 2007 sequel felt like Fantastic Four films

But this 2015 felt like it was trying to be more like a Scanners wannabe instead.


The Tim Story films were actually guilty pleasures of mine. Sure they were kind of stupid, but keep in mind one of the main characters is a giant orange rock monster.


I loved the 2005 and 2007 Fantastic Four movies. I've watched many times on theater.


I enjoyed them as a teenager, except the second one that I barely remember. I don't know how I'd feel about them now, though.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already





They weren't that bad. They got the tone right anyway. Story was pretty lacking in both of them, though.


You might be one of the few people that think this. Most of the general public have actually forgotten about the 2005 and 2007 films, because they weren't that memorable when they were first released or since.

And, reality check, it doesn't matter if they felt like Fantastic Four films, they didn't have favourable reviews from the critics, the public or the fans of the comics, who felt they focused more on humour rather than the actual characters, and were studio movies rather than faithful adaptations.
In other words, they were Fox movies starring the Fantastic Four rather than actual Fantastic Four movies.
More aimed at a family audience.
I remember because I was around when they were first released. And I never heard anyone talk about them. What I did hear, was nothing but bad. Total contrast to the X Men movies.

Plus, from a filmmaking standpoint, they had no identity. They were generic. Nothing about them stood out. Nothing about them had anything that could create word of mouth. They came and went. But if you ask people would they watch them more than once, the answer is no.
They were the stereotypical studio movie that was just made to ride on the bandwagon of the popularity of superhero movies. There were other superhero movies as well, but those, like the Spiderman movies, the X Men movies and the Batman movies, felt like there was a purpose of telling a story.
The Fantastic Four movies weren't that. They were made with a specific audience in mind, and the movies were arranged to meet that set audience.
You could argue they were a precursor to the MCU.

And despite the quality of the 2015 movie, it had more of a vision than the previous movies. You could tell there was something trying to be said. You could tell there was effort put in.
The previous movies, you can't say that. They were bland, corporate movies whose main aim was to sell toys.
And if you don't believe me, show these movies to real people and see the reaction they get.




If the 2005 and the 2007 movies are so bland and forgettable, why are they continuously shown on cable-TV stations? Isn't somebody still watching them?

I say this not as a fan of these movies, but as someone who has noticed that these movies are being shown again and again on the same stations.




Believe it or not, this was the prototype for the terrible woke films that would start coming out into theaters a year after this one did. They hadn't "perfected" the formula yet.


