Almost but not quite

Was excited to find this but ultimately disappointed. As someone always on the lookout for a new intelligent sci-fi. This had promise but ultimately failed to deliver. Was hoping for a Primer or Coherence level low budget sci-fi but this was about on the level of Circle.
A miss for me.


Unfortunately, I have to agree with DeathbySnuSnu on this. I wanted to like this movie, but it just felt really long and wasn’t all that interesting.

Do not go into this film expecting comedy or horror (as it is labeled on IMDb and streaming services). It is a foux documentary about two individuals making a documentary about a supernatural occurrence (yup, a documentary about a documentary). That might sound somewhat intriguing to some, until you realize that it’s just a (not very interesting) drama between two men.

Like DeathbySnuSnu wrote, this is not on the same level as films like Coherence, The Endless or Primer. If you really want to check it out, just know that you’ll be listening to nearly 2 hours of interpersonal drama mixed with discussions revolving around Ted Talks, Podscasts, and old (high school?) text books to try and solve a supernatural occurrence.

Yes, this was a miss for me as well.


This didn't work for me either. Halfway through I started thinking maybe it would build to some interesting reveal, but it never did. And I guess wasn't really intended to. I've enjoyed the Benson/Moorhead releases, but after one viewing, I'd have to put this at the bottom. Not sure I really want to watch it again. Almost blind bought the blu-ray a few months back, but I'm glad I passed on that.


Pile-on time! Nah there was still stuff to like about this one, especially the characters they created, which was the source of what humor I found in it, and the familiar L.A. locations. That said, it ranks as the least of the Benson/Moorhead ouvre for me.

I just mentioned the Duplass brothers and Brit Marling the other day, and I include these guys in a class of filmmakers who are trying to make some interesting genre films that don’t talk down to their audiences by over-explaining everything, but they somehow overshoot, either deliberately and/or by budgetary lack and it can leave me wanting just a bit more than [delivered].
