Depeche Mode!

So happy to still hear their music used in movies. 🥰



Though the licensed pop music is one of my few complaints. Is this Guardians of the Raccoon Turd or Sucide Squad? It should not be!

The composed score is epic thogh. One of the best in the last years.


Justice League had "Come Together", "Everybody Knows" and "Icky Thump".

Also, Raccoon Turd? When talking about a movie that had the hero suggesting they pee on the key and giant crabs and sharks with lasers mounted on them? This is why you're a DC Zealot. And a bad one at that.


You lack nuance Tree Job, nuance. I do not remember being assaulted continously with penis, turd and nipples humor by James "I like it when little boys touch me in my silly place" Gunn. Now go blow a tree groot, as Gunn suggested in one of his pedo post.


James Gunn? The person WB hired to write Suicide Squad 2 AFTER the allegations came out?

You never seem to play from a position of strength or intelligence. Are you Zack Snyder?

But hey....thanks for the posts I've now saved for when (if) Suicide Squad 2 comes out and you gush like a 12 year old over it.


#fireJames"Cum stained boys make me EXTREMELY HAPPY"Gunn

WB are scum for hiring this slime. I bet he gets spit out like hack Whedon soon enough. SuSquad2 is not even properly announced. And the star Harley Quinn gets her own movie with Birds of Prey.

That being said, I bet you cannot work out two central legal differences as to why WB hiring Gunn is not as bad as if Disney kept him. I challenge you.


As he's not being charged with any crime, there are no legal differences aside from possible breach of contract (depending on what contract Gunn had with Disney). Disney is within their rights to fire him and WB is within their rights to hire him. The difference being when this all came to light, Disney fired him and after knowing this, WB hired him. And if you're a stilted incel who cares about these things (let's skip ahead, you are) then it's a big deal.

Remember, he never did any of these things. He made some highly inappropriate jokes on social media. Given how you post, your parents made a highly inappropriate joke for social media when they conceived you.

It must kill you that Aquaman (a C-list DC hero) is showing how BADLY Zack the Hack screwed things up.


Jeez, that post started promising but dumbed down per line.

The difference is Gunn breached contract and Disney CoC (i) by not disclosing his pedo&rape output (unlike his homo output he apologized for) and (ii) he continued it during his Disney tenure eg with the infamous Eagle snatches kid depravity.

He is bottom of the barrel slime. And the fact that you defend him makes you his kind of scum. I notice: even though he left Man Child Universe and is at DC now you defend him and try to shit on Snyder (the man that gave us Watchmen).

Maybe, just maybe James "I'd break my daughter in anally before she gets married"Gunn's tweets, videos and pedo pics arouse you just a little bit? Were you one of his "BFFs" at Nambla?

Ahh, I see he was just joking? Suuuure, if you are into child rape it certainly must seem funny to you, like racist jokes to racists... But for the rest of mankind it's seriously disturbed.


I'm not defending him at all. I have no tolerance for that kind of "humor" and more than I do for Kathy Griffin and her severed head video. They had their chances to have the world on a string, got full of themselves and blew it by thinking they could just say anything in the name of humor.

However, he's hardly Harvey Weinstein or Bryan Singer, is he?


Fine. Good dodge. We will find out what he is.

Men get arrested, dogs get put down.


I didn't even notice, what song was it?


"It's No Good", in the scene where Black Manta was working on his new equipment.


Oh joy, this has turned into yet another DC vs. Marvel squabble. 🙄
