MovieChat Forums > This Is It (2009) Discussion > Orianthi isnt all that..

Orianthi isnt all that..

Mike clearly hired her because he wanted to give the mostly european audience someone who looked like them on stage. Shes ok, but there are clearly hundreds of better guitarists in the americas who could play what he was going for better than her.

She didnt know what she was doing during the rehearsals and her voice is also wretched.

The real shame is that shes going to be using this to launch her career. She didnt need to be on stage with Mike period, and she can thank being on there only on her looks(which look abysmal to me). I find it really funny carlos Santana can say hes "Passing the torch" to her like he would be one to pass a torch. Hes not the best guitarist, and he never was

Orianthi's guitar= 30 seconds of mess with about an hour of synth over it


'Katie ....

You crack me up! ... I love you.

I thought she was a little rough around the edges but she wasn't all that bad. I too thought he could have chosen a better guitarist but he must have liked her for some reason ...

Of course he did die because he was a drug abuser - Maybe he was high and liked the color of her guitar or the boots she was wearing the day she auditioned - could'a been as simple as that! lol ... But he picked her.

*On a side note* I saw the Jackson Victory Tour in the 80's in Philly with all the Jackson Bros present and I must say - They are all very talented and the show was absolutely amazing. Marlon (who you apparently don't like - LOL) was especially twrilly that evening ... lolololol

*tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon*


All I know is, I saw her in November as the lead guitarist in Alice Cooper's band, and she shredded. Highly competent guitarist by any reasonable measure.


Thought she was awesome tbh. I assume you play though so you're obviously more qualified than me to comment on her ability. But if you play, then why weren't you up with MJ if she was so much worse than you? Or I assume you don't play and therefore have no reason to say she was terrible when she is a billion times better than you, OP.


I remember Motorhead's Lemmy being interviewed about Girlschool, a UK metal band comprised of women. He recalled a guitarist in another band telling him, referring to Girlschool's guitarist, "Kelly's pretty good, for a girl." To which Lemmy replied "hey, she's better than YOU, mate."


This thread is a joke -- that woman is a killer guitarist. She's amazing.


this is it as well
