Good Kids Movie

Its not great. The story of the family becoming more confident moved really fast, especially since you really didn't realize insecurities were a problem.

The songs are singable even though I have no idea why it was made into a musical.

They say the age is 6+. Maybe 10+. Not enough silly, laugh out moments to keep younger kids entertained. It really should have been 90 minutes, it was longer and you can fee it.

Overall. Won't win any awards, but it was watchable and I enjoyed it.

Oh yeah. Javier Bardem was brilliant, likable and very entertaining every time he was on screen. He was a good time.


I reckon parents are going to be swamped with demands for sing crocodile toys leading up to Christmas. It sounds good fun. I've heard it's a 100 minute movie so kids might get a bit fidgety towards the end.


I loved it. It was pure fun! It is great we got so many musical movies in recent weeks.


I want to see it.
