MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > Can We Stop Making Films Where the Villa...

Can We Stop Making Films Where the Villain Wears Glasses?

This trailer mostly looks fantastic. Even after KOTCS, I still have hope, but can we please, please stop portraying villains, especially Nazis, with short-sightedness?

Short-sightedness is a DISABILITY. Thus, constantly portraying spectacle-wearers as villains, especially the Nazis (who weren't fond of the disabled, or intellectuals; and, yes, I know some high-profile Nazis wore glasses, but many of them also had dark-hair, but that didn't stop them talking about blond, blue-eyed 'Aryans' as the superior race, did it?), is ABLEIST.

It wouldn't be so bad if Indy was also wearing glasses, as he did in TOD (which stupidly gets derided as 'the most offensive Indiana Jones film'... *sigh*), and as his father did in TLC, but making your only glasses-wearer the main Nazi is frankly offensive. Bear in mind, contact lenses did exist in this era, but they weren't particularly popular yet.

And no, this is NOT trolling or some sort of satire. I'm serious. I post these issues here because I know other sites will tolerate them even less. Hopefully, the posters here are more tolerant and open-minded. Please prove me right.


Nice trolling! I mean it without sarcasm, it's well done and almost believable!

Look, people ALREADY focus too much on the physical and the external.

Which would you rather watch?

1) A wonderful, well-written movie where villains wear glasses, but which has an amazing, unique story

2) Same old cliché trope-filled remake-crap you've seen a thousand times already, but villains are glasses-free

I'd rather remove all masonic symbolism, like eyepatches and skull and crossbones and all that crap rather than glasses.

Glasses are a realistic, random feature on anyone, regardless of if they are a villain or not. Why can't a villain have a 'disability'? Are you saying villains have to be physically perfect specimens? You are not making any sense. Why can't villain have ANY physical attributes regular people have? PLENTY of people wear glasses, the chance that a villain wears them are actually pretty high, realistically speaking. A villain wearing eyepatch is WAY more annoying, because it'd be statistically much less realistic or likely, and I have never known ANYONE who wears one. Even one-eyed people usually have a GLASS EYE instead (watch Columbo, for example), and even that doesn't have to be a big deal.

If you noticed, even Indiana Jones has been known to wear glasses from time to time, why not?

Only good guys wearing glasses would be absolutely ridiculous and focusing on the WRONG THING again.

Stop focusing on PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES and start focusing on the good story, good atmosphere, good acting performances, good locations, good dialogue, good immersion and so on instead, ok? PLEASE?
